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A new home - getting to know him.

Posted on Thu Jun 25th, 2015 @ 5:10am by Ensign Amelia Diangelo & Commander James Archer
Edited on on Sat Jun 27th, 2015 @ 3:44pm

1,002 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Agua Mala
Location: Archer's quarters

After having spent the last half hour transitioning from the shuttle to her new home and having to listen to a CPS employee and a Starfleet Officer bickering with eatchother over Amelia as if they were a married couple. Made Amelia hope that they wouldn't be sent back to the shelter.

Amelia had taken a few moments to look around and was quite satisfied with room, but noticed that James was still sitting on what he told her was going to be a temporary bed still pretty much sulking. Amelia sat down next to him and without looking at him she let out a gentle sigh. "I don't want to go back there, you don't know what it's like mister Archer." the girl said softly.

James was beside himself. What has his mother done? 'I don't know how to take care of a child, muchless a little girl. A child I don't know and who was already half grown,' he thought.

"Hmm? Oh! If I had to deal with that every day," James said referring to the vile woman he had escorted off the ship, "I wouldn't want to go back either. And since it seems you're going to be here a little longer than expected, call me James." He gave Emelia a warm smile.

Returning the smile, "Oh, that's not even the worst of it mis- James." Amelia corrected herself as she thought that calling the man James made him sound more like a Butler than a Starfleet officer. "Mother, used to treat me like something even below dirt. I don't know why mother wouldn't tell me she'd just hit me." Amelia said with a tremble in her voice while she was rubbing her arm as the moments of her being tortured passed before her. "You're not like that are you?"

James eyed warily at the tiny human. "Amelia," James said sternly. "I knew your mother. That doesn't sound like her at all, and no, I wouldn't hit you for no reason."

James stood up from Amelia's bed and started emptying her suitcase and putting clothes away, "Since you're going to be staying with me, there are going to be some rules. You will go to school everyday class is in session. You will keep your room clean. Do not go into my bedroom ,without permission, especially if I'm not home. No playing with fire. No lying, no disrespect, do not leave our quarters without permission, and whatever you hear in here you are not to repeat to anyone. Understand?"

Amelia watched the man as he placed her clothing into the cabinet and slid off the bed and walked over to James. Only to stop about a feet away from him, she had a slight frown on her face as she felt insulted and hurt. "No James! I didn't lie, I know perfectly well that she did hit me because I was there. And the fire was an accident, it was their fault not mine," The little girl spoke her mind against the adult man. "You, you jerk!" Amelia shouted with frustration and crossed her arms.

"You're not the first girl to call me a jerk and I'm sure you won't be the last," James said calmly. "I never said you were lying. I was simply stating that I find it hard to believe." He paused briefly, "What fire?"

The frown that was part of Amelia's frustrated expression disappeared when she saw the surprised and senserity in James's expression when the man asked about the fire. "I-I can't remember what happened exactly, but I do have nightmares about it." Amelia replied and looked at the floor trying to remember what happened exactly on that day but her subconscious mind refused to cooperate.

"OK, nothing some time with Pretty Boy Neyes can't fix," James said. He disappears into his room for a minute and fumbles through a drawer or two. "Ah ha! Here it is." Making his way back into Emelia's room, making a couple adjustments to a small gold device, he hands the little girl a commbadge. "I want you to wear this at all times and if you need anything, just touch it and say my name. I may not answer back right away, because I might be talking to the Captain or in a meeting, but I will respond as soon as I can. OK?"

Wondering who this pretty boy Neyes was she saw James take off and followed him with her eyes and raised an eyebrow out of curiosity as Amelia looker at the doorway of her own room and heard James searching through his drawers. "What's he doing?" The girl whispered to herself and followed him with her eyes again as he entered the room a few moments later, he was holding something that appeared to be a broach. When he was done fiddling with it and offered the object to her, she took it from him and looked at the Starfleet insignia and placed it on her dress and smiled. "Yes, okay. I understand James, but when you call me you don't have to say miss Amelia, right?" Amelia replied and was starting to like the man.

"Nope," James said pinning the commbadge to her and rubbing the top of her head. "This one is linked directly to my commbadge and to security and it has a homing signal on it, so you don't get lost. So when I contact you, I will just say Amelia."

Pretending to think it over Amelia gave a kritical look and small nod a moment later. "I guess that’s acceptable but only because your the man of the house. Do you know why it says miss Amelia on my file and why people should actually address me as such?" The young girl asked James.

"Because it's polite to call someone they don't know either Miss, Mrs, or Mister."

Commander James Archer
Chief Intelligence Officer

Amelia Diangelo, miss


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