Uss Vindicator

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Caitian kitty on the prowl

Posted on Fri Nov 13th, 2015 @ 1:40am by Lieutenant Te'shara R'heil

167 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Agua Mala
Location: USS-Vindicator
Timeline: SD:2411.12

=/\= USS-Vindicator=/\=

Te'shara left her quarters, cause she forgot her Phaser,she grabbed her Phaser,and left her
Quarters,she was in Uniform,she was going to report to the Security Chief,to see whats
going on with security ,but she saw that there was a yellow light above her,that was the
warning lite,so she decided not to go to the Security office ,and kept being alert...
Te'shara ran into a couple security officers,who also knew about the Yellow alert,
so the 3 of them headed to all the spots to be, and check to make sure there was
not anymore problems ,while the security officers were on duty....
Cause they knew it would go to red alert,and they were ready to rock if anything should
happen.. they fast walked all through the ship ,the 3 security personel seperated,and took
and they went to each floor making sure ,all as well,while doing Security checks,and get
Things rollin,to expect a red alert.....


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