Personal Log | Xander Hark, CIV | "Retirement... time for a leisure cruise?"
Posted on Sat May 7th, 2016 @ 4:36am by Admiral Alexander Hark
745 words; about a 4 minute read
Location: Edge of Federation Space
=/\= Outpost Fallen Oak, en-route to Cheydinhall Sector =/\=
Making his way to the outpost on the edge of Federation space had been a relatively simple matter for Xander, his connections made the trip painless and quite relaxing giving his new status as a retired former Admiral, he'd already made sure that his estates on Earth would be maintained and they had been placed under the watch of the man he had trusted with their upkeep during the times when he had been unable to return, most notably during the civil war when he was trapped on Qo'Nos.
Thinking back on his time on the Klingon homeworld, Xander allowed himself a smile as the memories of feasting in the great hall flooded back, once word of his retirement had reached the Empire, Xander had found himself on the receiving end of several invitations to join the Empire as a liaison officer between the Klingons and the Federation, none of these from the Federation and all of them from the Klingons themselves who were loathe to work with anyone else. Relationships had been forged in the heat of battle and the flames of war, the Chancellor had become a close personal friend of Xander's and the two had sworn an oath of brotherhood, something that no sitting Klingon Chancellor had ever done with a Human before.
Shaking off his thoughts for a moment, Xander looked up and scanned the promenade of the outpost he was waiting on, there was a transport arriving that the Chancellor had arranged personally, a Klingon ship that would take him directly to Cold Station Theta. All around him he could see people rushing about their lives, the cafe he had selected for his raktajino was directly opposite one of the docking ports and had proven to be a most interesting selection for people watching.
A young Starfleet enlisted man approached carefully and offered a slight smile and a cough before coming to a halt and standing at attention before the former Admiral, Xander regarded him for a moment before raising his eyebrow and laughing slightly, “At ease Crewman, I'm retired, no need to stand on ceremony,” he said as he turned his full attention to the man.
“Priority communication for you sir, your eyes only, directly from the office of Fleet Admiral Red.” the young man replied as he handed a padd to the greying man.
“Thank you, give my regards to the Commander for forwarding my messages.” Xander replied as he accepted the device and flashed the officer a quick salute and watched as he turned quickly on his heel and rushed off to perform his other duties.
Unlocking the padd was a very simple matter as it was encoded to his thumbprint and his voice ID, both of which were given in good time, the Starfleet emblem was replaced by Starfleet Command and then the crest of the Cheydinhall sector. The message was a text report, forwarded directly by Admiral Red, the colour drained from Xander's face as he read what it contained and the breath trapped itself in his chest.
In large red words displayed within the report were the words, Destroyed, USS Vindicator – E, it was his daughters ship, a ship that had come to mean a huge amount to him and one that he had hoped to visit when he had the time meet up with them at Cold Station Theta.
After a few moments of reading, the breath was released in a huge sigh as Xander found the reports detailing the survivors of the tragedy, his daughter was among those listed as surviving as were the entire crew of the Vindicator, it came as a shock though that there was one name he was not expecting to see on the report, the Pendragon had been involved and had intervened to save the lives of the crew of the Vindicator, their Captain had been lost while helping his daughter to escape.
Drinking the last of this raktajino, Xander placed the padd into one of his pockets and turned to take the same route that the Crewman had taken, he needed to get a message to the ship coming to pick him up, he needed to get to Cold Station Theta quick, quicker than they had planned for and he had a few ideas of how they could go about getting there.
(To Be Continued...)
Former Admiral Alexander 'Xander' Hark
Retired, Former Commander in Chief, Starfleet