JL | Aendeh Dr. Tr'Esun, Rochelle Ivanova (MU) - "A Return to Glory"
Posted on Sun Jun 12th, 2016 @ 10:11pm by Captain Kaleb Ch'Valenvok M.D. & Admiral Rochelle Ivanova
Edited on on Tue Jun 14th, 2016 @ 2:46am
2,316 words; about a 12 minute read
Mission: Resurgere
The procedures had taken the better part of six hours today alone, which was not bad considering the amount of work that had gone into making the woman presentable again over the past week. Scar after scar had been removed and dermal grafting had been preformed to ensure every detail of the mirror Ivanova matched her prime counterpart. He had stripped her hair of the dye she had used to turn it black, stimulated the growth, as well as conditioned and styled it to match the prime Commodore's. It had taken him a great deal of time and research to create the pair bonding mark behind her ear, but he had accomplished even that daunting task. Soon she would receive the newly grown ocular nerve and eye which would replace her ruined eye and unbeknownst to her allow Tr'Bak to keep an eye on her actions remotely. The Tal'Shiar created nano-camera was attached to the iris where the color darkened before blending into the white of the eye. It was shielded and could not be scanned nor could it's subspace carrier wave be detected without the proper frequency and equipment. For someone to find it buried in the edge of the iris they would have to know it was there and be looking for it.
All told, Tr'Esun was proud of his accomplishments regarding the woman. She had handled the pain admirably and acquitted herself in his eyes, enough so that he had decided to put her under for the removal and reinsertion of the eye. He sat her up in the biobed and held a mirror before her so that she could study his work for the first time. "What do you think, my dear? We have but to replace that eye and you will be on your way to a 'better future'." Tr'Esun almost chuckled as he whispered those last two words in her ear.
Rochelle had seen and experienced a lot of things in her 28 years of life. Deaths, births, pains, pleasures - but nothing had prepared her for what she had endured over the course of that day. Tr'Esun had put her through the ringer, combing over every square centimeter of her body with a fine tooth comb. Each freckle had been compared and carefully fine tuned to match her doppelganger's, each strand of hair curried to a proper length, her skin made flawless, her pelvis realigned. She'd wanted to scream over that particular procedure. Compared to the tattoo removal and scars being stripped away from her, that had nearly sent her doubling over. While she'd grit her teeth and miraculously kept from puking, Tr'Esun had smiled and patted her hip before smoothing his hand over the flesh as if to seal his work forever. By the time he'd paused to sit her up and hand her the mirror, she was both numb and starving.
A wary eye cast its way over to the Romulan's face. He seemed proud of himself, chuffed even, by his success - and it wasn't over. Drawing a stiff breath, Rochelle finally brought herself to look in the mirror, her breath catching as she caught sight of the reflection. The face staring back at her was uncanny. It was hers, but it wasn't. With not a scar to be seen, the woman staring back was refined and elegant. Rochelle tilted her head to observe her reflection sidelong, as if searching for any hint of a flaw beyond her smokey eye, when a single lock of long, fire red hair fell out of place and across her cheek just as it should have and she, just as she should have, reached to tuck its silken perfection back behind one of her ears. For the first time in her life, Rochelle felt attractive... Maybe even beautiful - though such a feeling was ever so foreign. This was what she could have been had she been granted a better birth than what she'd received, and the realization was haunting. "What does he plan to do with her? With the Commodore... You know..." She watched her soft, dewy lips work each word in the mirror, "when he catches her or whatever."
"Tr'Bak has not shared all of his plans with me but suffice to say it will not be pleasant for the Commodore, I'm sure." Tr'Esun watched her full perfect lips move gracefully across her straight white teeth and came as close to a smile of accomplishment as a Romulan ever did without displaying it broadly across his aging face. "You are truly a sight to behold, my dear. You know, that eye must come out but... I have decided it will be more convenient for me if you are not conscious for the procedure. The optic nerve is sensitive and it would be a shame to ruin a good eye because you can't hold still." He would never let her know that he admired the way she had tolerated the pain of her last several procedures, most especially when he had readjusted her lovely hips to match those of Commodore Ivanova's. The Tal'Shiar had hacked the medical data base of Cold Station Theta and all of the Commodore's most recent medical scans had been used in the sculpting of Tr'Bak's new Ivanova.
Anesthesia was dangerous for patients and among the many races of the galaxy, humans were frail in the face of chemical exposure. Tr'Esun decided to allow Miss Ivanova to rest for a few hours, eat and restore some of her vigor before putting her under. "Are you hungry, my dear? Do you have a favorite meal?" Tr'Esun said as he walked over to the replicator on the wall of the surgical suite. "Arriving too thin would never do. The Commodore just gave birth after all and may not be able to slip into her old uniforms for a few more weeks. Having you show up with a flat stomach might not be in our best interests." Tr'Esun waited for her to tell him what she would like, realizing for the first time that he himself had not eaten in nearly eight hours.
"I'm sure." The newly minted redhead parroted and nodded, not quite willing to take her eyes off her reflection but knowing all the while that she had to. Showing any degree of excitement over the entire ordeal likely would have seen to it that they ended the fun - or at least Centurion Blowhard would have. She gingerly held the mirror out to the doctor, spying her now well manicured hands. Tiny scars that had littered her once broken knuckles now were smooth and alight with new health, even the cruddy nail polish remnants were gone. "Somehow I don't think this is a short term project..." She mused, contemplating food and watching the man drift further away from her, trusting her to stay put on his exam table. The mere fact that he was doing so, plus going to feed her, and willing to allow her to sleep through the removal and swapping out of her eye had been enough to curry her favor, however. More so, it yielded to the doctor a degree of gratitude she wasn't quite sure how to voice - nor was she sure she trusted him enough to let on that such a feeling existed within her. Silence was a better option. Silence and a nod... Maybe just a small question; "Putting me under... If I didn't know how strenuous this whole little party has been on you I'd think you were just going to put my lights out permanently," she smirked, "but then again you're not the happy idiot that brought me to you. Tr'Bak has his plans. My life, at least for now, is pretty secure." She grinned with a shrug, bobbing her head as she weighed the options, "So... Seems safe. You know your shit. I mean, I don't know much but I do know that means you aren't going to poison my food or anything." The smirk widened into a full blown grin as she poked further at the Romulan, though it was all in her own weird sense of twisted good humor. He was nuts, and a Romulan, but he wasn't completely hateful.
"Anyway," Rochelle began again with a shake of her head and cough to clear her throat, "You don't get to be picky where I come from. Dealer's choice." The same hand that had held out the mirror flippantly rolled in a fashion dismissive to the notion of a favorite anything while her legs kicked childishly as they dangled over the edge of her seat. She'd never had the luxury to refine her palate, food was often grabbed on the go and limited to her range of success when it came time to bring in a haul of cargo. Even the idea of food was rewarding enough and while the day had been absolute Hell, her entire experience on the Valdor class warbird hadn't been uncomfortable as a whole. She'd been well fed, swaddled in the finest silk robes, given free run of a rather swanky space of living... Tr'Bak had been good to her. He'd given her a new lease on life, even if it was for the very darkest of reasons.
Human or Terran choices were somewhat limited in the Romulan replicator so Tr'Esun had chosen one of the three "favorites" which was charred mammal meat between two pieces of rounded bread topped with a variety of plant matter and condiments. For himself there had been his usual fair of enriched protein loaf and a glass of Romulan Ale. He could see by the way his pet had eaten that she was hungry as she tore through the meal like a ravenous animal. That was just one more thing they would have to work on before turning her loose into the world of Commodore Ivanova. Tr'Esun was unsure of the methods Tr'Bak would use to transfer the knowledge and mannerisms of Commodore Ivanova into the mind of this likeness but knew for sure that it would be a time consuming process.
With dinner well over, Tr'Esun was alerted by a chirping sound that the crowning achievement of this project was complete. He stood from the chair he had been seated in and walked to the opposite wall of the surgical suite where he removed a tray full of nutrient jelly, and what at first looked a bit like a Reglan Blood Worm with a spherical head. As Tr'Esun walked over to the biobed where Miss Ivanova currently sat up looking a bit drowsy from the meal and her day's ordeal, he lightly shook the little tray and the spherical end rolled over revealing that it was a human eye. Tr'Esun sat the tray down on the surgical table just close enough that Miss Ivanova could see it clearly and stepped away to retrieve the desflurane and servoflurane compounds he intended to use to anesthetize the young woman for the procedure. She would be out for about two to three hours depending on the extent of the scar tissue he would have to remove, but he did not want her to spend the rest of the next day recovering from harsher anesthesia. There was far too much to accomplish and with Tr'Bak's time frame he couldn't afford to have the woman down and out for long.
The eyeball staring at her with its dead, unfocused, dilated pupils should have been enough to send Rochelle's lunch back onto the plate it had been served on. She blinked at it, tilting her head and arching a brow in undeterred intrigue. Romulan science was ridiculously advanced, she'd always known that, but this took the cake. She wanted to lift the vial, study the organ that was about to replace it's counterpart in her skull, but time wouldn't allow for it. Nor would Tr'Esun. As she reached for the jar, the pinch and hiss of a hypiapray being pressed against, and deployed into her neck swiftly ended her curiosity by way of heavy eyelids and a slowing heart. She could feel the Romulan catching her limp body, guiding it down to the bed beneath her in a manner that could have been seen as tender - even pulling her insanely long and thick mane up and out of the way. Darkness pervaded, swimming up from the fathoms to rob her completely off her consciousness and then, though she had no way of knowing, everything went pear shaped.
She was still for only a few seconds before the seizure struck. Tr'Esun had only just removed his hand from behind her neck when alarms begin to wail on the biobed. She was having an adverse reaction to the anesthesia, he though as he reached for a hypospray of diasthemine to counter the effect and revive her. As he moved her hair aside to inject her once again he noticed the growing rash that was forming at the first injection site. This gave rise to a new diagnosis and he quickly adjusted the injection to contain epinephrine on the hunch that she was having an allergic reaction. The effect was almost instant and her convulsing body calmed. The mind of the mad doctor was working through everything he had read about Commodore Ivanova trying to recall if she had any allergies to drugs. Nothing came to mind so with his patient still firmly under the grip of the anesthesia he moved to his desk and reviewed the file again. Nothing is listed which means she has a deviant physiology. Tr'Esun looked through the medical history one more time to make sure he hadn't missed anything and then stepped back to his patient. "Nowmy, dear, to make you whole again."
Aendeh Dr. Tr'Esun
Tal'Shiar Surgeon
Anima Venator
Rochelle Ivanova
Mirror Universe