JL | Com Ivanova, LtJG Baciami, CO & CSec | "Yellow Brick Roads"
Posted on Wed Jul 26th, 2017 @ 7:51am by Lieutenant JG Adrianna Baciami & Admiral Rochelle Ivanova
386 words; about a 2 minute read
Mission: Ballynamony
With reddened knuckles and sweat glistened skin, Adrianna was heading back from the gym. She zipped up the jacket and adjusted her yoga shorts subtly before reaching for her PaDD out of her bag and continued walking to her quarters, engrossed in some correspondence from her brother.
The corridors of the sleeping giant were quiet, the crew whittled down to skeleton and a scant few others returning early from RnR in hopes to settle back into a routine before the Vindicator sprung once more for the stars. Rochelle rarely left. If she did, it was mainly to the space station... Or being drug off by Landon on a whim to explore Earth with their son. For the most part, the redhead was reclusive in her desire to continue to work. As such she could relate to the members of her crew seeking a sense of order and normalcy. Finding a new face in the halls, however, wasn't something she was prepared for and she found her head canting to one side in curiosity, her pace slowing as she studied the other woman. "Good evening," she offered in pleasant greeting.
"Buonasera, cap-ee-tan," the woman looked up from her PaDD a moment.
"I don't believe we've met." Rochelle continued with a smile. The thick Italian accent that oozed from the other woman's voice only added to the mystery and left the little Phoenix all the more intrigued.
"Adrianna Baciami, cap-ee-tan," the woman wiped the sweat off her hand on her jacket before offering it, " head of security."
Taking the offered hand for a shake, Rochelle nodded apreciatively, "Ah yes. I saw your transfer orders last week. You're early. Welcome aboard."
"I like routine," she shrugged a little, " I like to know a ship inside out."
"Understandable," The redhead reasoned and folded her hands in front of herself, "We leave in just over over 24 hours, so we'll be able to actually build a routine and get back to normalcy here pretty quickly."
"We will be fine. I intend to do a good job," she replied, "if you need anything, just ask."
"I wouldn't expect anything less." A quiet smile tugged at the Commodore's lips, "I'll let you get back to your evening, Lieutenant. Was a pleasure to meet you."
Commodore Rochelle Ivanova
Commanding Officer