R&R on Holodeck
Posted on Thu Mar 28th, 2013 @ 6:14am by Lieutenant Te'shara R'heil
384 words; about a 2 minute read
Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide
Location: USS-Vindicator - E
Timeline: SD:241303.28
Te'shara was in her quarters putting on civi clothing, cause she was gonna spend time on the holodeck at her favorite Caitian spot, which was
a local tavern on Cait. It was Te'shara's favorite place to go, she walked out of her quarters, and headed for the turbo lift and called for the
holodeck. Te'shara was very home sick, and so a visit home was the right thing for her.
The Taverns name was Boka, Te'shara enjoyed going there, and hanging, with her caitian friends and her friends of the SS-Kaittan.
She finally got to the holodeck, and programmed it to the caitain Tavern Boka. She walked in and saw other caitians there too, and some
other species there too visiting cait.
Te'shara walked about the Tavern, and smiled as she saw a few people she knew from the SS-Kaittan, she went over there to sit with them,
Capt To'kar was there as well with some of the other caitians, too, even her sister Mer'Lar R'heil, also was there she was so happy to see everyon.
Mer'Lar went over to sit, with her sister Te'shara andf the other members of the SS-Kaittan. Te'shara was very happy to be with everyone, as if
she did not want to leave, but she knew she couldnt spend days in the holodeck, revisiting friends and family. The whole time on the holodeck,
was a very good time for Te'shara, she even saw another caitian old friend. and asked him to join their table his name was Ro'kan. Te'shara had a
special place in her heart for him, and liked what she saw in him.
She was, in second heaven, due to the fact she was surrounded by friends. Te'shara was smiling and laughing about cause she was having a good time with family and friends at Boka. This was the only program, she enjoyed, she hadnt been to anywhere else , as of yet. But Cait was her home,
and she hadnt been back home in ages, all she remembered is how the program started, being oin Cait, but it wasnt the same as the real home.
But the Holodeck would have to do, for now.
But, all and all, Te'shara was having a good time, in the holodeck, while she could.
Lt Te'shara R'heil
Assist Security
USS-Vindicator E