Uss Vindicator

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SD241306.29|JDL|CCNS &SO;| Lt.Larel & Lt.Te'shara|"Te'shara visits the new counselor"

Posted on Sun Jun 30th, 2013 @ 2:29am by Lieutenant Te'shara R'heil

816 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Secret Meetings
Location: Counseling office
Timeline: SD:241306.29

Te'shara was off duty and decided to go see the new counselor Lt Cody Larel, and discuss and her love life, and how she thinks she might of messed her love life perminately, with john, she softly purred with her eyes crying and everything . her tail hung low as she tapped her comm badge tapped her comm badge as she rode the lift. +taps+" counselor you in i need to talk to you , i think my love life is ruined.and im on my way to see you."Te'shara said as she got off the lift to the counselors office.

Cody heard the summons and replied "No problem Lieutenant, I'll see you soon." Truth be told, he had just dropped off a duffle in his quarters, an another in his administrative office, and had just sat down to go over some crew profiles. Picking up a blank padd, he jogged out of his office and around the corridor to one of the counselling rooms. Out of breath slightly, he sat in an easy chair and tried to compose himself.

Te'shara walked into the counseling room to see Lt Larel about Lt john Jackson who she likes and loves alot.but he wants to slow down the relationship, as he thinks shes going to fast,and Te'shara doesnt know what to do, as she tapped the doorbell to wait for Lt Larel, to say come in.

Cody looked up and said "Come in." Standing, he said "I'm Lieutenant Cody Larel, its nice to meet you Lieutenant ...." In the rush to run down to the meeting rooms, he hadn't remembered to ask the officer her name.

"Hello im Lt Te'shara R'heil Security officer, I'm having love problems and I might lose this guy cause of this , he says he wants to slow things down, and I keep saying I love him, instead of like him and I just dont know what to do , should I listen to him and slow things down, or what I dont want to lose him as my man even though he's human , and Im caitian." she answered in a rush.

Nodding, he replied "I understand Lieutenant, I'm sorry things are difficult for right now. Can you explain what you mean by slowing things down? How long have you known this man?" Finding out how serious the relationship was would be key to knowing how to give her proper advice.

"John jackson wants to slow down the relationship, keep things mellow, it just sounds to me hes not ready for a relationship, do you think I'm going to fast, I yelled I love you to him, and he seemed upset, I just dont know what to do. "she purr-sighed as tears ran down her face ."I'm going crazy Counselor, ,I really like this guy alot, and I've known him, a few months, maybe I am rushing it , I dont know, I'm so confused counselor I just dont know what to do, this other Caitian told me I should date my own kind." she said to him, "Can you please help me?"she also said.

Reaching beside him, he handed her a tissue and said "Please Te'shara, try to relax. I don't agree with what you were told about dating within your species. If you have feelings for John, then you should be free to explore them. I do believe though, that you need to talk to him about how you feel, calmly, and see what he's feeling. He may just want to take things slow, and see what develops between you two."

"So I should just take things slow with him?"she said, As she took the tissues, and and wiped her eyes,with them."I really love this guy Counselor , but maybe he's not ready to take it to the next level, yet."Te'shara added with a sigh. "But i do like him."she added.

Nodding, he said "Yes, I think you should talk to him about how you feel, but try not to be too pushy. If you do that, you may scare him away."

Te'shara nodded ,"O.K Counselor I'll tell him my feelings with out being too pushy, and take it slow with him"she said with a little smile on her face, as her whiskers twitched as well.

"That sounds like a good idea. Please keep me updated on what happens. I'm here to help, feel free to contact me if you need to talk ok?" Cody replied with a smile.

Te'shara smiled back,"You got it counselor I'll contact you after I talk to John,"she said to the counselor as she was getting ready to leave.

Nodding, Cody said "I look forward to it. Good luck." After she left, Cody sat down in one of the chairs and began updating her file.

=/\=End Log=/\=

Lieutenant Cody Larel
Chief Counselor
USS Vindicator

Lt Te'shara R'heil
Assist Security


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