the Kali Kaleh-saga
Posted on Wed Nov 14th, 2012 @ 3:28am by Lieutenant JG Jesse Saunders
313 words; about a 2 minute read
Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide
Location: Deck 8 Botany Lab
Timeline: current
Tags: Kali-fal. Romulan ale, Botanist
~ Deck 8, Botany Lab b~
Lt Saunders could only shook her head at the state of the hydroponics in the Vegetable section. No wonder she got some bad mouthing from the Cook up stairs. Although the systems are brand new, the problems of calibration and setup always pops up. and when you have salad that goes off too quickly, one has to think on your feet.
"Ens. Pohl, please check and re-check the calibrations on the other veggie beds." Jesse ordered as she handed the latest calibration figures to the quite friendly ensign that was overseeing the vegetable chamber. It felt good to be back. Jesse pulled her shoulders back and headed to the Arborium to check on the establishment of the "green lungs" of the ship. The Federation finally decided that "going green" would be very beneficial to their crew.
Jesse checked all the new saplings that was about to be planted. The arborium had a section specifically atoned to selected environments for plants from different regions of space. As Jesse came to the area where the Romulan Kali-Kaleh trees were to be planted she noticed some strange looking patches on the saplings. These trees produced bright blue fruits of which the romulan beverage Kali-fal was made. the saying goes that Kali-fal is a very aromatic beverage that will open you sinuses even before the first sip. Jesse only shook her head as she never really got a taste for it but seemingly some of the crew had a great liking towards this kind of strange beverages.
As a botanist plants always challenged you in many ways and it seemed that this new slime might just proof to be one of them. Jesse took notes of all her observations and made a mental note that if she should bump into a Romulan botanist she will ask all the necessary questions regarding the Kali-fal.