SD 241211.14 Plot Log | Saying Hello
Posted on Thu Nov 15th, 2012 @ 10:32am by
797 words; about a 4 minute read
Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide
Location: Colony Command Centre
Everyone stood in relative silence in the governor's office in their sort of command centre. Everyone was nervous right now, waiting for a hail from the ship that had just arrived in orbit.
The sensors on their old shuttle were poor but still good enough to pick up the markings on the ship as it approached orbit.
It was one of the groups the Governor had hoped the ship would not be from but Dr. Lovok was quietly pleased. Whatever the Romulans thought of the Federation they were in the habit of rendering aide, for good or ill. The good Doctor was old enough to know he should put aside any ingrained animosity toward the Federation in this situation. He was not so sure about the others.
Governor Sov'aal was fortunate or unfortunate enough to be assigned as the colonies governor partially based on past dealings with starfleet. He was once a colonel in the military during the first Dominion war. he was assigned to take out a Ketricell white factory inside cardassian space. His task force was nearly destroyed. Rather than die protecting the Empires secrets, he allowed his ship to be aided by a well intentioned Federation cruiser. A miss placed computer directory allowed that ship to gain sensitive information, a mistake taht had cost him his career.
When the comm unit finally chirped half the people in the room jumped it had become so silent.
"This is Captain Olan Dar of the Federation starship Vindicator." came the voice, translated through the old system, "We picked up your general call for aide. We would like to see if we can assist you."
Sov'aal put on his best smile, not that the Human could have seen it over the comm. "Captain Dar. My name is Sov'aal I am the Governor of this colony. I would wager that with a ship of your size you are quite well equipped for medical diagnostic?"
"We are quite well equipped, Governor." he paused, "I imagine the situation must be fairly urgent for you to broadcast a general call for aide. What can you tell us about your situation?"
The silence while the Governor considered the question was not a long silence, but it felt as if it were a hundred years long, longer if the looks of his staff were any indication.
He did not like the idea of providing too much information from the start. He was still a military man by nature and any weakness was ripe for exploitation in his experience. "My doctor informs me that this illness is quite virulent in that we have had 13 deaths from it in a relatively short period of time. Our medical facilities are however quite limited and thus our attempts to classify the illness have come up a bit lacking. The outward signs are similar however to a common illness your people would call anemia, however our tests show that there are no tell tale signs of a copper deficiency in the victims we have examined." Sov'aal looked to the Doctor in case he had anything to add.
Lovok looked back at the Governor as he considered then shook his head. What he would be able to share would mean little to a command officer and it was something he would have to discuss with someone knowledgeable in the field.
"If you would agree, I can send a small team down to work with your medical personnel. I'm sure we would be able to help track down the source of this illness." Dar offered.
Sov'aal shot a weary glance at his staff. "Agreed captain, However I request that only personnel essential to the mission be allowed to beam down." He paused and considered his statement. "We value our privacy, I am sure you understand."
There was another pause from the Starfleet Captain, no doubt as they considered the request, "My first officer will beam down just outside your colony with a group of medical, science and engineering officers."
"Thank you Captain. Doctor Lovok and myself will meet your First officer and his team presently." Sov'aal said with a wide smile, as convincingly as he could muster.
"Dar out." said the man before the connection was cut.
Lovok looked over to the Governor, "I know many have strong feelings with regard to Starfleet, but I would ask that weapons be kept away for the duration of their time here. We are going to be working on a medical issue and I do not want the distraction. Or the armed presence around my patients."
"Agreed. I will explain our position when we meet the Federation party."
"We should be going then." the Doctor said and turned to move out to the dirt street so they could go meet the Starfleet officers.