SD 241211.15 JL ::CO & MCO:: ::Capt Dar & Capt King:: What to Expect
Posted on Thu Nov 15th, 2012 @ 10:02pm by Captain Olan Dar & 2nd Lieutenant Jasmine Garza
587 words; about a 3 minute read
Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide
Location: Ready Room
=*= Ready Room, USS Vindicator =*=
After hearing that they were responding to a distress call Ellis decided to head up to the bride and speak with the command team to know what they needed from the Marines. He knew that Elar probably already had the CAP SOP and schedule all done and was briefing his men. Ellis nodded to a couple of the bridge officers who were getting used to the Marines coming and going on the bridge especially the Marines guarding the entrance to the bridge. Hitting the chime on the ready room he waited to be invited in.
"Enter." the Captain called. He nodded to Ellis when he appeared, "I take it you have heard the news."
"I have and just wanted to know what you would like the Marines to prepare for." Ellis said coming to attention and snapping off a salute.
Olan flashed a brief smile, "Hopefully nothing, but we don't exactly know what to expect from these people. But hope for the best, plan for the worst as they say."
Dar handed him a padd with two items on it, "This is what we know of the colony so far including full scans of the area. You can work up some scenarios if our teams run into trouble down there."
"I want a full squad to go with whoever is gonna go down for the first meet and greet." Ellis said knowing already who he would send down. He also knew that a squad was really over kill but you couldn't be careful enough especially with Romulans.
Olan sighed heavily, "I'm afraid that won't be happening." he waited for the appropriately surprised looked on Ellis' face before continuing, "The Governor would only allow a small team and we're not putting marines on the ground unless we have to."
"Sir I must strongly disagree with this plan. At least allow me put two Marines in fleet uniform." Ellis said looking at the Captain.
"Do you have two marines who could effectively operate as either a doctor or engineer?" Olan asked, knowing that most likely the answer would be a yes.
"I've got the perfect person in mind she's my combat medic. She knows triage and can BS the rest of it long enough to keep you safe and to re-negotiate this deal." Ellis said.
Olan smirked, "Well that would be Commander Lansine actually, and she won't be the only one from medical going so she won't have to bullshit too much."
"As far as any weapons.. I'm afraid that she will be limited. I don't know if they plan to search the away team and if they do and find a concealed weapon, that could cause more problems than not having one." Olan explained.
Ellis nodded, "trust my my Marine won't need a weapon to inflict damage." Ellis said with a smirk on his face.
"Yeah let's try to keep any damage down to a minimum." the Captain said, "Talk with Commander Lansine. He's putting together the away team."
"Of course sir." Ellis said giving the Captain a smirk knowing that Marines could be too aggressive but it was more of a covering all their bases.
Olan nodded, "Good. Dismissed." he glanced back to his monitor, "Oh.. one other thing I forgot. Read item two on that padd."
Ellis took a look smiling he looked up and gave a Captain another salute, "much appreciated." He said still with a smile on his face.
Dar nodded and let the man go to do his work.