Uss Vindicator

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JL ::SCO, FP, FP:: ::MCapt Keggle, 2Lt Towers, 2Lt Barnes:: Pilots Briefing

Posted on Tue Nov 20th, 2012 @ 4:01am by 2nd Lieutenant Toby Barnes & Captain Elar Keggle

867 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide
Location: Aerospace Labs

=*= Aerospace Labs, USS Vindicator E =*=

Elar was standing in the aerospace labs where all the briefings and post-briefings would take place. The pool table allowed for 3D rendering of the systems and sectors they would be patrolling, allowing for an easy view of their assignment. It had the location of the planet where the actual colony was located, along with the Vindicator's location, where they were going to drop sensor buoys, and also the path of the CAPs.

Toby wandered in and took a seat in her usual spot. She leaned back in her seat to relax a bit while the others filtered in.

Wes was the last one to arrive of the Prometheus squadron. Finding a seat he nodded to couple of his fellow pilots. "Alright everyone settle down!" Elar called out looking over his pilots and few of the combat information officers and one of the air traffic control officers a Lieutenant Shayna Pettygrove that would be working in the TiC (tactical information center).

"Alright we'll be doing CAPs in flights this time around due to the nature of how close we are to the Romulan Empire." Elar said looking at the system map first. "As you can see this is the reported location of the neutral zone but as we all know this get's shifted so if we do cross we'll be alerted as long as you don't stay you'll be fine."

Shayna had been patiently waiting in the seated area, a PADD in her hand and her hair pulled up in a tight bun. Just a single loft fell down from the edge of her bangs across her cheek. Her eyes deviated from the screen of her device only to look up at the display the was showing off. The room was not quite at capacity, but there were enough men and women in the seated area to make a crowd. Until now she'd been mostly just observing. She'd made no effort to take time away from her work to introduce herself to anyone other than the Captain, and seeing as how she'd replaced the previous senior Air Traffic Control officer, she saw no reason to delay stepping right into her position.

They were more or less like the usual, the fighter pilots. Several of the ship's pilots from Flight Control were present, but they would only be used as necessary in an emergency situation. The fighter pilots were always the stars when it came to the dangers of small craft combat tactics. She'd learned that lesson early on in her career. Thankfully, she didn't mind taking the backseat once and a while.

"Don't worry." Shayna chimed in, "we'll update your fighters regularly."

"Now this is the sector that the colony is located in. This is where we'll be doing our CAPs as you can see by the yellow lines. Also the blue x's are where we're gonna be dropping sensor buoys creating a nice sensor net allowing us as much warning as possible." Elar added.

Shayna's eyes scanned over the layout of the space around the colony. In truth there really wasn't any reason for them to be either worried or careless about how they handled the mission. She did, of course, have to ask a few questions.

"How do we go about preparing our fighters for the possibility of cloaked vessels in this region of space, Captain?" She had always hated using the term for anyone other than the CO she served under. "I'm sure you're aware Romulan fighters can cloak just as easily as their larger ships. I think you and I can both agree that 'keeping our eyes sharp' isn't going to cut it this close to the neutral zone."

"Good questions, Lieutenant." Elar said looking at the ATF officer, "the buoys we'll be dropping have been modified to send out tachyon waves, emissions and any and all other tachyon related things allowing us to have a better chance of picking up on potential cloaked items. Also the Vindi well be doing the same and our fighter sensor package has been modified allowing us to do the same."

The Lieutenant pulled up the specs on the sensor modifications and the buoys, then sent them to her work station in Flight Operations. She nodded approvingly.

"As for groupings, myself and Barnes well be Red 1 and Towers and Jennings well be Red 2. Then second flight you'll be Blue 1 and Blue 2 and then finally third flight you'll be Green 1 and Green 2." Elar added.

Toby stuck up her hand, "Should we expect trouble, sir?"

Shayna couldn't help but shake her head a little. They should always expect trouble.

"Yes and no.......from the reports we've gotten from intel the colony probably have a few shuttles and with the internal conflict raging in the Empire most of their ships, fleets and whatnot well be busy with that." Elar said, "but expect trouble."

Toby nodded, idly wondering to herself if that civil war could be expected to show up out here but she knew none of those present would be able to predict that with any certainty.

With no further questions the pilots were all dismissed to their craft to get the patrol under way.


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