TE`shara's new assignment
Posted on Fri Nov 30th, 2012 @ 3:22am by Lieutenant Te'shara R'heil & Lieutenant Commander Hayden Williams
608 words; about a 3 minute read
Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide
Location: USS-Vindicator
Timeline: SD:241211.???
=/\= USS-Vindicator=/\=
Te`shara got some news that Security was not needed for the away mission, she felt a bit down that only science,medical , and Engineering on
the away mission. So she headed back to Lt Commander Haydens office to tell him the news about security not needed for the away mission.
Te`shara growled to herself, cause she dont trust Rommies, she felt concerned for the away team, and what if the romulans, tried something on
The away team, then she wasnt there to stop it. she continued walking till she made the turbo lift, and called for Security.
As she got off the lift, she got off and headed to see Lt Commander Haydens office, with her head down.
One of the junior officers noticed her head toward the office. "Ma'am, the commander is on the bridge. He said something about updating the tactical sensors and fire controls to allow for a faster. Processing time. You may want to look there."
Te'shara looked at one junior officers,"ok i'll check there, thanks" she purred. She did not want to growl at the junior, officer, so she was being nice,
to the junior officer, as Te`shara left to go to the bridge.
Hayden was busy running a diagnostic on the tatcical systems. He had already managed to increase responce time by several seconds by pre heating the pre fire chamber prior to the fire command. The doors to the turbo lift opened and he noticed Te'shara. "WHat can I help you with Lieutenant?"
Te`shara looked at Hayden, "sir, the away mission did not need security, whats so ever, what should i do in the mean time," she said with a slight frown on her furry face, she wanted to be on that away mission, to protect the doctors and everyone else who was going on the away mission.
Hayden stopped. "We are at war lieutenant. This is one of the busiest times for security personnel. New security patches have to be applied to all sensitive computer files, Duty rosters have to be adjusted to reduce fatigue. I need to train more officers in tactical systems." he paused. "Do you believe that StarFleet invested as much as they have in you, made you a Lieutenant and did not believe in your decision making abilities?"
TE`shara looked at hayden, "I guess your right sir." she said as her whiskers twitched and her tail wagged lower."so i guess, i have to make sure the ship is secure, case of we get company from the romulans, case they come aboard."she also said to him. "But i still dont trust the romulans,
I feel sorry for the away team they still should of been protected by Security."she slightly growled about it.
"The First Officer is down there, and everyone has passed their phaser quals. I am sure they will be fine. As for what i need you to do, Sensors have picked up a derelict ship in the system. it is likely that the captain will send an away team. I want you to assemble a small team and stand by for further orders."
Te`shara nodded, to commander hayden,"aye sir i'll get a few security to handle the away team to the derelict Ship."she said to him.
"Very good. Long term however, I plan on training you in some aspects of bridge duty and tactical. "
Te'shara looked at Hayden with a small smile,"Aye sir." she continued standing at attention.
"Very well. Dismissed Lieutenant." Hayden said. "I will follow up with you when I get back from the meeting with the captian."