SD 241211.26 JL Keggle, Barnes & Lione "The Derelict"
Posted on Mon Nov 26th, 2012 @ 9:05pm by 2nd Lieutenant Toby Barnes & Captain Elar Keggle & Lieutenant JG TeĆ” Black
628 words; about a 3 minute read
Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide
Location: Outer edge of the solar system
Timeline: Approximately 1 hour after arriving at the planet
Any CAP flight could be boring. They were meant to be boring in fact, right up until someone started shooting at you.
Either way you looked at it Toby was enjoying the time out in space in her fighter. She just liked flying. It could be anything really but there was a special love for the sleek fighters the marines had.
They had been out an hour or so and were now at the outer edge of the solar system on the complete opposite side of the Vindicator's position. The sensor palette in her fighter was designed with combat in mind. Quick target acquisition, tactical analysis and other such things. so she wasn't surprised that her system was able to pick up a big chunk of metal in space.
The location and nature of that chunk of metal was another story though. She signaled her intention to shift position out of formation and rolled out, turning her forward array in the direction of the ping.
Toby frowned slight at what her sensors told her, "el-tee?" she asked, "Looks like we found a derelict ship. I'm not getting any power readings from it."
Elar has always enjoyed doing the first CAP it allowed him to get a sense of the area and would allow him to make changes to how CAPs were done and the routes they used. "Copy that......adjust course by .004 and let's get a quick scan."
"No other ships in the area either. At least none that we can see." Toby said, knowing full well if a cloaked Romulan ship was in the area they were unlikely to see any hint of it. The full suite on the Vindicator probably could, but not the fighters.
"Black Mamba to Overwatch......I need an update on Hide n Seek." Hide n Seek was the code term used for the way Star Fleet searched and located cloaked ships.
"Negative no pings off of anything. You're good for a closer scan." Overwatch said. Tripae was standing in the middle of the large and very busy TiC (tactical information center) which shared space with fight operations on deck four.
"Copy that." Elar said adjusting his course to go in for a better scan. "Bloody hell this thing is huge." Elar said looking at his readings, "what are you getting?"
Toby shook her head slightly to herself. Her sensors weren't giving her much more than what she was beginning to see with her own eyes as they closed in, "A dead ship. Appears to be Romulan in design but probably not military. Looks to be in a slowly degrading orbit."
Elar continued to get closer and closer to the derelict, "I'm picking up faint traces of disruptor fire." He said knowing that only Romulans, Klingons and few other species have used disruptors since being found by the Federation.
Barnes was finally close enough to pick out detail on the hull with her bare eyes, "This ship has been in a fight. I'm seeing obvious signs of weapons damage and even some holes right through the hull."
"I mean it almost looks like a colony or even mining ship." Elar said.
"Think it is related to that colony we're helping out?" this was an obvious possibility but Toby voiced the question anyway, "Certainly is big enough to hold a lot of people. We should let the ship know. They'll probably want to look into it some more." she suggested.
"Alright......let's get back on patrol and I'll let Overwatch know about this." Elar said sending the coordinates of the find just as they got back onto the path of the CAP.
Toby nodded and also sent off her sensor records before turning to follow Keggle back on their patrol.