Just a little something
Posted on Wed Sep 3rd, 2014 @ 1:07am by Ensign Robyn Maxwell & Ensign Scott Fisher
1,959 words; about a 10 minute read
Are You Touched?
Location: After Dark Lounge
Timeline: Current
Robyn and Scott had hoped to experience the new Lounge but on arrival had found it closed, so, the following evening they tried their luck again.
"It's open anyway." Robyn said as they approached the entrance.
"Always a good sign" Scott agreed,following her inside.
They found themselves in a room of sleek black marble, cool brushed steel and smooth geometric shapes.
Two walls featured floor to ceiling windows with a nighttime skyline view of New York City Earth. This was ofcourse a screen which could be changed to show any skyline or other view.
To the left of the entrance, the space had tables which were partially hidden by planters full of lush greenery so giving privacy of a sort. To the right lay an area for entertainments and opposite it, a long bar backed by a mirror with doors leading to the kitchens and an office.
At the end, a spiral staircase rose to the restaurant which overlooked the main floor as well as the night-time view.
Having agreed on a bar snack rather than a formal meal,Scott waited until Robyn was seated comfortably on a tall bar stool then sat on the one to her left. He glanced back into the room then said to her:
"Quite a few people in here already...popular place it seems.'
"Yes it does." she replied, also looking around. "Its very..whats the word?....not what Id expect onboard a starship."
" Civilian owned and run so bound to have a say in how the place is planned out. " Scott suggested turning back and smiling to Robyn.
"Aaaaand...what may I get for you Sir and Madam do you know that we have a full selection of wines and spirits to suit all tastes and we now do delicious meals from gourmet to a simple snack that will so delight your palate you'll wonder why you havent been here before but if you have and already know then I apologise for reminding you of what was hopefully a delight but I have to say it in case this is your first time in which case you wont yet have had the chance to find out."
Sally smiled to them in turn having slightly modified the patter she had been instructed to say.
Scott looked at the pretty blonde girl and laughed a little then glanced at Robyn who had a slightly surprised expression on her face.
"Er, no we havent been here before." he replied looking back at Sally ".. and we'd like to try one of your simple snacks please if you have a menu."
"Certainly do." Sally responded producing a folded card embossed on the front with the Lounges' name which she handed to Scott.
"Would you like a drink whilst you make your selection?" she asked politely and soon fulfilled their choice of white wine and a cocktail before moving away to a discreet distance as they perused the possibilities.
She polished the already gleaming bar but kept an eye on them so that Scott had hardly closed the menu before she was back in front of them, an expectant expression on her pretty face.
"We'd like the Oak Smoked Salmon with side salad please" he said.
"Certainly Sir the chef will rustle it up in no time so only a few moments of anticipation until your taste buds won't know what hit'em enjoy your drinks and be right back."
Once again she left the pair, this time to tap the order in at the work station near to the kitchen door. That done she looked back at her customers with a thoughtful expression.
They were laughing together, each leaning on the bar but slightly facing each other as though shutting out the world around them. They were happy and relaxed and obviously enjoying each others company and, Sally decided, they 'would do'.
She scurried away out of sight.
Scott lowered his glass to the bar, still smiling at something Robyn had said and watched her sip her wine. As her glass too was set back on the bar he asked:
"Do you know that guy? He's been watching you in the mirror ever since we sat down here."
"Which one?"Robyn asked scanning the mirrored reflections in front of her.
"Near the end" Scott replied " .. in the dark shirt...greying hair..nursing a Whisky."
Robyn leaned back so that she could see clearly in the direction Scott indicated. A couple waiting to be served blocked her view but as they moved away she recognised the man in question. He was concentrating on the liquid in his glass which, after a moment, he raised to his lips.
" Oh, he's in Ops." she informed Scott dismissively, resuming her position. " We met briefly in the observation lounge not long after I arrived here." She lifted her glass again and took a sip from it.
Scott gave a slow nod, still watching the reflection carefully.
"Two Oak Smoked Salmon with side salad!" someone called which was a precurser to Sallys return. She set out their meals, assuring them that the chef was the best in the fleet ...with certain exceptions... and took great care to ensure they had everything they needed. They thanked her, took up their cutlery preparing to eat but it wasn't long before they realized that their attentive waitress was only a step away.
As soon as Scott looked up at her, Sally took it as an unspoken invitation to join them.
"Are you aware that the After Dark Lounge can now offer its valued customers a choice from a vast range of jewellery and quality giftware including antiquities from human and other civilisations all hand made by expert craftsmen?" she asked. Her open smile, aimed at Scott, did not waver as he looked back at her, fork poised above the edge of his plate.
"No?" he replied with a hint of suspicion.
"Thought not." Sally replied " because we only just began selling them and you are the lucky pair to have first shot at them or rather" she rushed on remembering Mr Bernards choice of words " I should say as select customers we would like to offer you the chance of viewing our gifts at your convenience which really means this instant because I can show them to you right now and you can look at them whilst you eat your fish if you like" and not waiting for a reply, she bobbed down below the bar.
Robyn had taken a bite of salmon which was indeed as good as it had been promised, Scott however sat rooted to the spot wondering how he could be classed as a select customer when he had only been in the place for a few minutes. He turned his head to Robyn who smiled to him as she chewed her bite then Sally bobbed up.
"Momentos can take us back to times or places that we treasure " she quoted as best she could remember from the instructions Mr Bernard had insisted she say. "...and just a little something given as a token of affection or even bought for yourself will bring endless hours of pleasure as we relive moments from the past as an opening offer we have a limited number of just such choice gifts from Earth." she ended and smiling to her captive audience of two placed a small figure on the bar in front of them with somewhat of a flourish.
Robyn swallowed her mouthful.
"What is it? " she asked frowning at the little figure.
It appeared to be some sort of soldier in a red and black uniform. Silver 'brilliants' sparkled indicating buttons on a tunic but the most eye catching thing was the figures head which seemed to be out of proportion to its body and was but a mass of black hair with just a chin visible and a thin line for a mouth.Leaning on one shoulder was an old fashioned gun of some kind.
"Its a..." Sally reached back below the bar this time pulling out a laminated list "... Grenadier Guardsman circa year 2000." she replied.
"A what?" Robyn asked reaching out to pick up the piece but it toppled to the side, hitting Scotts glass with a delicate 'ting'.
He lifted it up and after a moments inspection, handed it to Robyn.
"From Earth?" he queried.
Sally nodded, her blonde curls bouncing forward as she lent her head to check the details. " Yes Grenadier Guardsman familiar sight in London England as much a symbol of the capital as Big Ben"
Once again she reached below the bar and this time the object she set in front of them was not a figure but a sculpture of some kind.
Scott picked up a roughly shaped silver pyramid made of a type of plastic. The overall impression was one of a steel cage that had seen better days.
"This is Big Ben?" he asked glancing at Sally, not exactly sure what he was expecting but knowing it was not this.
All three looked at it in silence then:
"Hang on I dont think thats right" Sally said consulting the list then once again she bobbed down and back up from beneath the bartop. She scooped up the plastic pyramid.
"Eiffel Tower from 'Gay Pareee' " she said laughing as she stuffed it out of sight.
It was replaced with an oblong box painted to resemble stone.It had four clock faces at the top, one on each side. Three predicted the time as half past nine yet the fourth said ten past two.
"This is the Elizabeth Tower from the north end of the Palace of Westminster" Sally read." Big Ben is the nickname of a great bell belonging to the clock and not the name of the tower at all although it was accepted by the name its an icon." she ended as though imparting great knowledge to a brain dead Targ.
Scott looked at Robyn who, seeing the laughter in his eyes, bent her head and began to slice her fish with fervour.
He turned back to the young woman. "Thankyou..er....?"
"Sally" she supplied readily.
"Thankyou Sally but I dont think either of us are interested in a Guardsman or a tower."
He saw the smile on her face fade, a transformation that somehow made him feel guilty.
"We just came here to eat and to enjoy the evening." he said trying to explain as the expression settled to crestfallen " Not to buy....."
"Momentos" Robyn said quickly lest he make matters worse by using a more apt description.
He nodded "Yeh, momentos."
"Okay, enjoy your fish." she said picking up Big Ben " and the evening if there's anything else you need just ask"
Scott, faced with the dejected creature in front of him, one who had been so happy and eager but moments ago, crumbled to the unexplained feeling that it was all his fault and said:
"Perhaps the... Guardsman?"
Robyn pressed her fingers between closed eyes.
"The Guardsman why yes ofcourse" The bubbling creature was back in an instant:"Grenadier Guardsman familiar sight in London England as much a symbol of the capital as Big Ben what a good choice I'll get some wrapping for you be right back"
"You are a push over." Robyn said smiling to him " You know that don't you?"
He grinned too, picked up the little soldier and handed it to her.
"Just a little something to remember this evening by." he said.
Sally was back with some wrapping in her hand.
"Do you know we have Red buses too?" she asked eagerly.
*** End Log ***
Sally Moffat
After Dark Lounge
USS Vindicator
Scott Fisher
Medical Officer
USS Vindicator
Robyn Maxwell
Medical Officer
USS Vindicator