JPL (Backlog) | Sgt Rayya & Bernard III & Wooderson & Moffat |"Check Your Ego at the Door"
Posted on Wed Sep 3rd, 2014 @ 1:53am by Petty Officer 2nd Class Rael Rayya
1,060 words; about a 5 minute read
Are You Touched?
Location: After Dark Lounge
= V =
Rael needed to get out of the Marine section of the ship he needed away from all the restrictions. Even with the no alcohol reg you knew you could find some, but that even lost it's appeal especially with someone like Rael. Who needed that Human contact or just contact with another living thing.
Walking into the 'After Dark' lounge Rael smiled as he found a place he could truly enjoy. Taking a couple of seconds to pick up the vibe of the lounge the young Marine sergeant headed for the bar. "Evenin' can I get a whiskey sour."
Norbert happened to be behind the bar, PADD in hand taking an inventory count when the scruffy looking marine approached. He immediately looked to his left and then to his right for the person who was supposed to be tending the bar.
Rolling his eyes at the Marine he sighed loudly, "Yes it is a fine evening", making sure to enunciate the G loudly at the end of the word, "But even if I knew what a Whiskey Sour was, we would not serve it here", he smiled and went back to his work.
"Okay," Rael said eyeing the man wondering where he learned etiquette and manners, "never mind the sour whiskey on the rocks."
Norbert smiled his fake smile and moved down the bar, continuing to input things into his padd.
Just then at the opposite end the bartender appeared carrying a fresh cold case of beer. Noticing that he had a customer he placed the case down and pulled a wet rag from his back pocket, "Oh sorry about that, didn't mean to keep you waiting", he wiped the bar in front of the Marine, "So what can I get for you mate". he said plopping down a coaster for him.
"Whis.....errr on second thought vodka on the rocks with a lime." Rael said glad to see someone actually knowing how to treat a customer.
"One Gimlet Coming Up", he responded, pulling out a bottle of clear liquid from underneath the counter, "This is the good stuff", he glanced back and winked.
A few moments later the drink was placed in front of Rael.
"So what brings you in here so early in the day, Seargent", he said looking around the empty lounge.
"Truthfully did not realize how early it was," Rael said with a smirk, "and needed a break from my brethren." Rael said taking a sip of the Gimlet, "your right, nice and smooth."
"Only the best here", the Bartender responded. "I can imagine it must be a bit cramped down in the barracks, I honestly don't know how you guys do it", he smiled and stepped back to let the man enjoy his drink".
A slender young woman with blonde bouncing curls appeared in the lounge doorway, stopped, surveyed the room then crossed towards the bar hoping to gain advice from the barman who stood polishing glasses near to a customer savoring what Sally imagined might be his first drink of the day.
She cleared her throat as she arrived at the polished bar, placed a diamante handbag onto a bar stool and said: "Hello I'm looking for Mr Bernard are you he because if you are I have to apologize for being so late arriving here but its like a maze out there."
The bartender chucked, "No ma'am, Mr. Bernard is right over there, he pointed towards the far end of the bar where Norbert was still tapping and swiping at his PADD. "Good Luck", he added with a smile and a wink.
{What a nice man}, Sally thought as she thanked him and looked in the direction the bartender indicated. Collecting her handbag, she walked the short distance to where Norbert stood, waited a moment for him to look up as she arrived next to him but waited in vain.
After a few moments and another clearing of throat she said tentatively.
"Mr Bernard? I'm Sally Moffat your new barmaid and I'm sorry I'm late but I got a bit lost on my way down here well not to the deck of course because that's easy to find but locating the lounge was more problematical but I'm here now and so pleased to meet you."
She spoke in a long tuneful unbroken babble of words and ended with an extended hand and lovely smile.
Norbert glanced up at Sally, but only momentarily then he looked back at his padd. "Wonderful, you can start by helping those customers over there and then by cleaning each and every table top in here". He motioned with his hands for her to disappear.
Her eyes moved from him to the customers then to the nearest table top before her hand slowly dropped to her side and her smile faded somewhat.
"Ok" she replied peering as best she could without being obvious about it at the PaDD in Norbert's hand " But don't you want to see my references or even my contract of employment because its always best to check out people isn't it especially when they are going to be working in your place and have access to all sorts of things around here and my references are really worth seeing why Mr Brewster was most enthusiastic to write one for me when I said I wanted to venture out into the unknown and he stopped what he was doing and wrote it straight away so its best to see who I am really because who knows I could be a psycho-maniac or even worse on the loose for all you know."
Her statement was followed by a peel of laughter at the thought.
The Lounge Manager looked up from the screen at Sally once again. "Lets be honest with ourselves, it doesn't take a genius to do your job now does it?", he lowered the PaDD slightly, "So no, I don't need to see your references and if you are a psycho-manic you will fit in just fine here, so please either get to work, or leave". He smiled at her briefly then went back to his PaDD.
To be continued.......
Sgt Rael Rayya
51st Marine Recon Unit,
SaA (Sergeant at Arms)
USS Vindicator
Norbert Bernard III
Lounge Manager
USS Vindicator
David Wooderson (abp Norbert)
USS Vindicator
Sally Moffat (abp Robyn)
USS Vindicator