SD 241301.02 || "Perpetrators" || Plot Log || Part II || XO || Cmdr Lansine
Posted on Thu Jan 3rd, 2013 @ 6:27am by Captain Robert Lansine
590 words; about a 3 minute read
Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide
Location: Colony Surface - Unknown Location
Timeline: Soon after kidnapping
Tags: romulan, kidnapping, tal'shiar, poison
=/\= Colony Surface – Unknown Location =/\=
Kidnappings weren’t resume builders. Nor did the help mental health.
Rob learned both facts long ago in Cardassian prison camps on the estranged world of Carida. Yet, now some four years later, he doubted any situation like his horrible experiences on the former Federation colony would happen again. Lightening didn’t strike twice in the same place.
Or so they said.
Fortunately, his captors hadn’t insisted on tying him up. Instead, and unlike his vivid memories of Cardassian prison guards, these Romulans appeared much more apprehensive with their imprisonment of him. It wasn’t for his lack of sleep, empty stomach, and equally vacant understanding of what was going on Lansine might actually feel bad for them.
“What do you people want?” Rob asked again futilely as he sat behind a worn down wooden table.
The burly Romulan guarding the door glanced at the distraught human with empty eyes, once more offering no answer to the meaning of Rob’s sudden capture off the streets of the colony.
Frustrated, Rob stood up from the rickety chair, but before he could even fully stand the same large guard growled something. Without his commbadge and with it access to the universal translator he couldn’t be sure what the man had said.
It didn’t sound nice.
He was about to surrender back into the seat when the door abruptly swung open. The unnamed Romulan man who had swept Rob off the street earlier stood in the doorway and looked at Lansine before turning his attention to the guard. The two traded a few native words before the guard turned and left, leaving Lansine and his captor alone.
“I’m afraid he’s never been a very good host,” the man said, grabbing the empty chair opposite Rob and leaning in slightly. “Not much for words that one.” The man swung the chair around and sat down. “Now, I’m afraid there’s much to talk about, and not much time.”
Rob opened his mouth, but was quickly interrupted by his Romulan ‘host’.
“I’m afraid you’ll have to hold your questions, Commander.” The Romulan feigned a smile and pulled a data device from his thick jacket. “This is a set of unencrypted communications from Governor Sov’aal to the Tal’Shiar-,” The mention of the Romulan intelligence agency prompted Lansine to attempt to speak once more, but was once again stopped short by the quick talking Romulan.
“Please, Commander, listen.” The Romulan tapped a few commands into the device and directed Rob’s eyes to the dialog between the colony governor and the separatist Tal’Shiar as it translated to English.
The two sat in silence for a moment as Lansine read the page before Rob was finally able to add to their conversation. “What the hell am I looking at?” He was angry. Had these Romulan’s wanted to talk they need not pull him off the street and into some makeshift bunker.
But as the information he was reading began to sink in the need for secrecy began to make more sense.
“This, Mr. Lansine, is why we need your help.” He took the device back and looked Rob in the eyes. “You are here to determine why many of the colonists are becoming sick; how they’ve become poisoned, are you not?”
The time for equal participation in the conversation had seemingly begun, “Yes.” Rob answered hesitantly.
The man grimaced, if only slightly, “Then your mission is complete, Commander.”
“I am.”