SD 241301.14 DL | "Concerns" | CONN | LtCmdr Neyes
Posted on Tue Jan 15th, 2013 @ 8:18am by Captain Landon Neyes
Edited on on Wed Jan 16th, 2013 @ 2:32am
484 words; about a 2 minute read
Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide
Location: Survey Runabout Daedalus
=/\= Runabout Daedalus =/\=
Three Federation craft hurdled their way over the landscape towards the colony, with Landon's survey Runabout leading the way. They were traveling relatively close to the ground, and it was all he could do to keep from dipping the ship in and out if a mountain range here and there. As focused as he was on their crewmates, the thoughts of putting the new ships and equipment from the Vindicator E through their paces still beckoned to him. The excitement would certainly take the concern from his mind for a while, but he couldn't justify it. The colony was still a little ways off, and they couldn't risk traveling too quickly or appearing hostile.
"Neyes to Lansine, come in." He tried once more.
No response.
"Come on Robby, where are you." Landon could detect his life signs even from this distance, but still wasn't able to raise him on comms. Either something was wrong with his communicator, in which case someone else on the away team would have already asked for a replacement, or there was something blocking transmissions from coming and going around the colony.
Having Rob outside of contact on a potentially hostile alien colony world was bringing up too many old emotions. Emotions which he'd done an exemplary job of dealing with and/or burying over the past couple of years. Carida was nothing more than a distant memory plaguing his already speckled history. His friend had been claimed by the Cardassians... and just when Landon thought he'd saved Rob from their grasp, he lost him again, and was denied the ability to attempt another rescue. Captain Sato had claimed other ships were already attempting the same thing, and it was 'too dangerous'.
There were still days he wanted to spit at the thought of that woman.
Now he was faced with a similar situation and he had the advantage of forethought and experience. Having an away team member as ridiculously anal retentive as Robert Lansine meant you didn't simply lose contact with him. He was a stickler for reports and communication, having a nearly flawless record. It was half the reason he shot through the ranks faster than Landon could have imagined he would. Robby was an inspiration to the most deticated of officers.
Landon wanted to take action. He wanted to ensure the away team and his best friend were safe. Taking action on that desire had only brought him grief before, and he wasn't about to make the same mistake again. He needed to take a step beck, outside himself, and let the people who make the decisions... make decisions. Captain Dar was an excellent leader, and Landon needed to let himself believe it.
Before his internal dialogue went on for too long, he was suddenly yanked from his thoughts.
"Captain Dar to Commander Neyes. Status report."
=/\= END LOG =/\=
Lt. Commander Landon Neyes