SD 241303.XX || "Pickup" || Part II || JL || XO, MCO, CSci
Posted on Mon Mar 11th, 2013 @ 1:10am by Captain Robert Lansine & 2nd Lieutenant Jasmine Garza
918 words; about a 5 minute read
Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide
Location: Colony
Tags: Romulan, Romulan Colony
Ellis looked up to the commander after cutting the lieutenant free. "Well our little Romulan escort lied to us. It seems the lieutenant here had a captor and before we get here our escort decided to kill the captor and than try to kill me. So the corporal did what he had to do to keep a fellow Marine safe." Ellis said in a growl.
"Get a pressure bandage on that and get her and the lieutenant here back to the Vindicator. And commander you I suggest you do the same I'll round up my Marines." Ellis said shaking his head and looking at the mess.
"I did not try to kill you, you fool," Sindari coughed, still nursing the large bruise growing across her midsection. The other marine's blow had caught her slightly off-guard, if only for a moment. The consequences were farther reaching than simple pain, though, allowing herself to be struck down by a Starfleet peon--that had truly bruised her ego.
"I completed my orders. None of you were ever the target. He however," she looked to the dead Romulan, "was."
Rob looked from the Romulan back to King in an effort to gauge her story. "Captain?"
Ellis looked at the Romulan, "whether or not if she is telling the truth she still can't be trusted. I suggest we bring her aboard and have the Romulan Leih tell us what the hell is going on. I'm sick of all this lying and covering shit up!" Ellis said growling and finally nodding to the corporal to cuff her.
Rob certainly agreed with the marine's disgust. Romulan treachery knew no bounds and their debacle was only one of many examples of how the green blooded saboteurs managed to make every encounter far too sinister. Lansine, however, would not be as blunt as his Marine Captain, "Let's get her and the rest of us back to the ship." He wasn't about to stamp her ticket to the brig just yet.
Ellis nodded, "corporal and private go with the commander. I'll wrap up the other fire team and head back."
Rob watched as the rest of the team packed up and escorted the obviously injured Roswell out of the cave and back to the transporter coordinates. As the rest left Lansine took a moment to observe the dank and dark environment the young lieutenant had been made to suffer through while the rest of them had wrestled the Romulan Tal'Shiar on and above the planet. The cold wet air reminded him of far too many memories, memories he'd very much like to forget.
Saia, however, would not likely forget anytime soon.
It took a few moments for Lansine's eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight when he walked through the mouth cave. Squinting, looked and saw Ellis and the rest of the Starfleet crew carrying their supplies and propping up their tattered science chief. The two officers left behind in Rob's care were standing over the Romulan woman as she continued to press he free hand firmly on her lower chest. "She hasn't been too much trouble I hope." Rob looked at the pained alien officer and smirked slightly. Her overpowering demeanor had certainly changed since receiving a well-placed K-bar to the gut.
"No, sir," the young marine private replied sternly.
"Good." Rob walked up to the woman and squatted to face her eye to eye. "I don't suppose you want to explain what you did in there?"
Her gaze bore a hole straight through Lansine's forehead as she refused to answer. Her mission parameters said nothing of appeasing the human officer beyond 'assisting' him in the locating of their officer.
"I didn't think so," Rob sighed. "Though I do expect you to pick up your mess in there." Dead bodies didn't make for great souvenirs; Rob would very much have liked the Romulan ship to take care of the poor sap now lying on the wet, murky cave floor. The Vindicator's morgue didn't need any tourists at the moment.
Sindari did not appear amused and kept her mouth shut despite her deep wanting to put the Commander in his place. That, however, would have breached protocol.
There was no time for such indulgences.
An annoying beeping noise suddenly began pulsing from somewhere within the Romulan woman's uniform. The distinct clicks of Sindari's secret device brought a smile to her face.
"What is that?" Rob asked forcefully. "What is making-," the beeping stopped, only to be replaced by the transparent green shimmering of a Romulan transporter beam.
"Goddamnit!" Rob reached out in vain as the woman dematerialized in front of him. "Those bastards."
Rob quickly tapped his comm badge, "Lansine to Vindicator."
"Capellupo here, sir," the Ops officer replied promptly. "Captain Dar is indisposed at the moment."
"Get us back onboard ASAP. The Romulans just left in quite a hurry-," Rob tried to explain but was cut off by Capellupo.
"Sir, the Romulan ship just broke orbit. They're quantum singularity drive is powering up. They're going to warp!"
Rob pushed himself back up off the ground and sighed loudly, his displeasure with the change of events evident to the two young marines. "Get us back to the ship and get the Captain." He looked back from the two marines back to the rock stained with Romulan blood in front him.
"Tell him I have bad news."
Marine Captain Ellis King
Company Commander
USS Vindicator
Commander Robert Lansine
Executive Officer
USS Vindicator
Sub-Commander Sindari t'Xereth
First Officer
RSE Warbird N'Darth