Uss Vindicator

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DL|CCNS|Lt. Larel|"Excitment and Tension"

Posted on Sat Aug 17th, 2013 @ 3:08am by

392 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Secret Meetings
Location: Sickbay/Briefing Room

Cody heard the summons for the senior officers as he finished patching up a small cut on an injured ensign. Ever since the attack had started, he had rushed to Sickbay, hoping his limited medical knowledge would be some sort of help. Thankfully he'd only had to do some rudimentary first aid. With the exception of a broken wrist he'd had to set and heal, most of the other injured had been treated by the regular medical personell. He wouldn't have been much help anywhere else on the ship during the attack, since people weren't really in need of a counselor when they were fighting to survive.

Finishing up with the last of his report updates, Cody checked to make sure he has no longer needed in Sickbay and made his way to his administrative office. Checking his schedule to make sure there were no emergency appointments pending, he took a few moments to make a general report for the staff meeting. It would be his first senior staff meeting, and despite the situation, he was excited. It would be nice to meet his fellow officers, and to become familar with the command team. Saving the report to a padd, he stood and began moving towards the door.

As he reached the threshold, he felt a sudden wave of negativity hit him. Perhaps it was because he'd been focusing on his patients and schedules, but he was shaken by its intensity. Leaning against the wall to steady himself, he closed his eyes and focused, strengthening his mental barriers. He could almost hear his mother in his mind chastising him for not practicing his Betazoid mental exercises. Composing himself, he realised that the negativity was coming from some of the crew who were frustrated by the attack. He couldn't get a clear impression of what the source of the frustration was, but it was peristent. Taking a deep breath, he left his office, en route to the briefing room.

Soon, he entered the briefing room, and moved to an open chair. Taking a seat, he began reviewing a status report he'd recieved prior to the meeting. Thankfully it was general, as he wasn't as up to date with some of the other ship's departments. As he read, he waited for the others to arrive.

=/\=End Log=/\=
Lieutenant Cody Larel
Chief Counselor
USS Vindicator


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