Uss Vindicator

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SD 241212.01 JL | "Phantoms and Crows"

Posted on Sun Dec 2nd, 2012 @ 5:33am by Captain Landon Neyes & Captain Elar Keggle & Lieutenant JG TeĆ” Black
Edited on on Sat Dec 8th, 2012 @ 1:28am

753 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide
Location: Flight Operations/TIC

=/\= Tactical Information Center =/\=

Lieutenant Commander Landon Neyes strode into the Tactical Information control center for flight operations for one of the few times since his arrival on the Vindicator. Inside was the massive, impressive, and logistically overwhelming sight of screens, stations and officers all working on the fighter and support craft planning for the ship. Despite no real activity outside, it was busy as ever in flight ops. From the raised entrance he could see the desks and work stations littered about on the large deck a few steps below him, and the raised position of the main control area where the Chief CTC and ATC did most of their work commanding the teams of pilots and support personnel. Located on the wall opposite was quite possibly the largest holo-display view screen he'd ever seen. It put most Astrometric Labs to shame, and spanned the length of the wall. It broke up into a few other displays to make efficient use of space.

"Commander, over here." He heard someone say loudly from up the walkway along the wall to the command station. It appeared to be the Chief Air Traffic Control officer Shayna Pattygrove, and the Chief Combat Information Officer. Who also appeared to be two gorgeous women. Landon raised his brow and stuck out a lip in positive reaction.
"Lieutenant. Captain. Where's Captain Keggle? I thought you wanted to speak with me regarding the situation with the Romulans and the CAPs."

"Black Mamba is on the first CAP rotation he's always the first one......he's just like that." The Marine Captain said with a smile.

Neyes nodded, silently putting away the man's call-sign. He would probably never use, however it was useful to know.
Shayna smiled politely and pulled up the CAP rotations as well as a tactical map of the area. The holographic pool-table in the center of the command area lit up, displaying the Vindicator and the area of space by the planet. A circle lined the path of the ship to show it's orbit, and highlighted any noteworthy objects on its trajectory.

"Speaking of the CAP, they should be running a sweep on the meteoroid cluster in sector beta nine."

Landon looked at the display, smothering his impulse to use awed and excited expressions at the impressiveness of the TIC's instruments. He maintained his "commander face", despite having to bite at his lower lip. Even the layout was serious business. The look on Lt. Pettygrove's face seemed to fit the environment. "Anything interesting yet?" He asked, resisting the urge to poke at the holo-display.

"No." She said simply. It wasn't rudely put, but she needed to bypass the small-talk. She continued to work her controls as she spoke, looking up at the two officers rarely and briefly. "I'd like to go over the setup for our tactical scenarios if we encounter hostiles. Captain, will you please go over the basics of the CAP's make-up for this mission? I know you're using the Stormcrows as AWACs, and we're not largely familiar with their newer design."

"The Stormcow's are a bizarre mix of shuttle and runabout. Bigger than both which allows for more things to be added. And also allows for not having large troop transports." Tripae said giving a quick rundown of the Stormcrows, "but the ones we're using right now are set-up with the state of art sensor suites. Allowing them to perform their AWAC abilities even with CAPs, sensor buoys and the Vindicator these babies well help pick anything up before it gets to us."

He looked to the two women. "When would you like to begin deployment in the patrols? If we haven't already."

"One is deployed at the moment they'll be out there through the next CAP when it'll switch with the other AWAC when the last CAP heads out and well remain out their until the first CAP finishes." Tripae said giving the XO the rotation pattern of the two AWACs.

Neyes smiled, "Good. I'll be taking one of the Gryphons to some heap we found," he said casually, "please make the necessary arrangements, Lieutenant."

"Will do, Commander." Shayna said dutifully.

"As for you, it was a pleasure to finally meet, Captain." Neyes said with a nod.

"The pleasure was all mine." Tripae said giving a quick nod to the commander.

=/\= END LOG =/\=

Lieutenant Commander Landon Neyes

Captain Elar Keggle
Marine Captain

Captain Tripae Lione
Cheif Tactical Information Officer

Lieutenant Shayna Pettygrove
Air Traffic Control Operator


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