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PLOT - Joint Duty Log | Capt Ivanova, LtCmdr Waterhouse, Cmdr Dahe'el, Cmdr Archer, Cmdr PontBrillant, LtCmdr Neyes, Cmdr Grant, Lt Rotek, LtJG Roswell - "To Hell and Back, pt II"

Posted on Tue Sep 30th, 2014 @ 8:28am by Commander Amelia Waterhouse & Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Vlimar PontBrillant & Commander Logan Grant, PhD. & Commander James Archer & Commander Tristan Neyes PhD. & Lieutenant Commander Rotek & Lieutenant JG Saia Roswell

2,099 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Are You Touched?

=/\= Ready Room, Briefing in Progress =/\=

"Doctor Grant," She said, "was discovered with the refugees, apparently they were kind enough to rescue him from Starbase seventy-four before the crash." She explained, studying her old friend as she did so. "Since then, he's had the pleasure of being exposed to the alien race's cultural habits which makes him the closest thing to an expert on the matter there is and he's taken the time to put together a report. Care to enlighten the rest of the class, Commander?"

"Of course, Captain." The Kiwi acknowledged the fiery woman's request with a nod and a smile. His PADD glowed brightly as he skimmed through it, quickly picking out the pertinent pieces of information he knew could be easily digested by the less brain savvy. "The race is a group that is most definitely pre-warp, the way they reacted to fire tells me they're more on par with neolithic Terrans than modern man. As such they're extremely malleable and easily swayed into believing in Gods. In this case, Mr. Waterhouse has managed to convince them that a flying wad of magical pasta is their lord and savior. It's a complete mess, I'll be happy to share the full report with anyone who's interested. It's imperative that we limit exposure to any further technology."

"What of the ship the survivors arrived on, if we are to... attempt to limit any extra exposure, we should look into the potential of removing the ship from the planet as soon as is... viable." the Cardassian questioned, the first time he had said anything during the meeting, his gaze moving from the padd in his hand to the redhead chairing the meeting.

"We probably could simply use the ship's tractor beam to dislodge it and bring it in," suggested Vlimar, politely. "We would probably need to get to a closer range, however, which could cause an issue with exposure as well," he continued, shifting in his chair, turning to look at Amelia, then back to the Captain. "Perhaps we could use a distraction during such time we attempt the retrieval?" he asked, offering a solution.

"Would be advisable to limit their viewing of our abilities as an advanced culture. Even if a tractor beam could lift it off the surface, I'm inclined to vote against that route." Logan shrugged, looking between Rochelle and Almar. To him it seemed like an impossibility for the Vindicator to lasso the downed shuttle with her tractor beam, but that wasn't his place of expertise. His main concern now lay with the impressionable creatures that roamed the planet below.

Rochelle nodded as she listened to the men. Logan's concerns mirrored many of her own, "Using the Vindicator's tractor beam to lift something from the surface would draw too much attention and, without taking our ship down into the atmosphere, would likely be an impossibility. Not happening." She replied, re-crossing her legs as she spoke and turned her attention to the Cardassian. "Maybe, Commander, you should join Science on their trip down and see if the Pelican can be repaired enough to at least escape the atmosphere and be brought into tractor beam range?"

Vlimar turned his attention to Almar, nodding. It was, after all, a better idea. If the Pelican could be salvaged enough to exit the atmosphere, during night time conditions, the process could be almost invisible to the natives. Vlimar discreetly swiped his suggestion off his padd and waited for further from the CEO.

"Or," James interjected and paused just long enough to take another drink, "we could transport the ship piece by piece, into the hanger bay, and reassembled if need be. Parts that can not be transported, like the matter antimatter containment can be transported via shuttle."

Saia was nodding, others giving out ideas just as she was trying to think of ways to perform as if they didn't even have such technology. She smiled at the teamwork of the crew's minds. She then thought of other issues with the away team, "Would it be best we wear something similar to what the natives wear and limit tricorder use?"

"The natives don't wear anything... the only thing I've seen them wearing is one of them convinced my brother to part with his pirate hat," Amelia explained. "They're tiny little things, with green mottled skin and very sharp teeth. We don't have anyone on the ship that could pass as one of them, save for some of the civilian children."

"So our uniforms won't be the most surprising thing... Right..." She looks down thinking more...

"I think attempting to repair the craft is our best option, with a good team of Engineers, I should be able to have it back up and running very quickly and we can move it under the cover of night, when it's less likely to be noticed by the locals," the Cardassian replied after a few moments of thought, "It is theoretically possible to transport pieces up, but we would need to spend the time cutting them into manageable sections, that takes much longer and increases the chance of further contamination."

"Done. We'll have you select a team and head down to the planet, Commander Dahe'el. I agree that getting her running under the cover of darkness is probably our best bet. We'll see to it that we have the space to hold her once you get her running." Rochelle nodded, making a note on her PADD of the changes and needs when Tristan's voice broke the din.

Neyes' attention slipped from Ivanova to Amelia, and back. He was paying special attention to Amelia during the entire meeting, trying to glean her position on her brother's current situation. It was always tenuous with conflicting interests, and given that the crew was largely made up of relatively young officers it amplified the importance of his attention. "While our engineering team works on that particular problem, Captain, I would like your permission to speak with Noah once he's released. Mr. Grant and Commander Waterhouse are certainly welcome to join me if they'd like. His transition since being on the shuttle has been less than ideal I'd gather, and he may have more information to offer once he's in..." Neyes' eyes trailed over to Archer and Vlimar, his tone holding true, rather than betray his mild disappointment, "...a more comfortable environment."

Finishing her writing, she looked over at the Trill and nodded to him. "Honestly? I think Commander Waterhouse being there would be a bit of a detriment to your work. People are less likely to be open when there's a fear of disappointing a family member that's right there watching. Commander Grant, on the other hand, should keep him honest about what's happened on the planet." The Captain paused for a moment, "Not that I'm saying we should keep him from his family, by all means include her in a later talk." She added, looking up to Amelia and offering a crooked, sympathetic little smile. This was her own personal Hell, of that Rochelle was certain.

"Fair enough." Neyes said in response. He would need to keep his attitude about others in check. In his newly acquired effort to be trusting and open, he noted that he was perhaps too willing to give others the benefit of the doubt. Spending eight years in a state of constant motion and relative mistrust, the possibility he was overcompensating was always there. Of course Rochelle was right about Amelia's brother. While Tristan had no previous experience regarding the young man and his relationship with his sister, the Captain was probably speaking from that experience. "I had hoped the Commander would bring some insight into her sibling, but you make an excellent point."

"Even if you don't want me sitting in on the talk, you may need help even getting him to sit down in the first place. Our mother did a number on us, breeding mistrust of counselors from a young age. It took me a while to get over it myself, and I'm still selective about who I'll trust inside my head," Amelia observed, looking to both Dr Grant and Tristan. "I'll be involved as much or as little as needed, but be forewarned he'll fight you if he thinks you're trying to get into his head."

Logan looked up from his notes at the mention of his name and quirked an eyebrow as he listened to what followed suit from the mouths of all three officers. "His mommy problems are only part of the bigger equation and your presence at the initial sit down will only add to them." He replied, leveling his gaze on the young XO. "He can't be allowed to use you as a crutch and frankly whether he talks or not makes little to no difference in my book." The man's broad shoulders rose and fell in a shrug of indifference as his PADD flicked off and he turned his seat towards Amelia. He'd already profiled the boy while down on the planet, stuck listening to the same lines over and over again. This meeting would be about seeing just how far Noah was willing to sink himself into the muck and mire he'd created the moment he'd failed to listen to Logan's voice of reason. "I understand your desire to protect your family, Commander, but you have an obligation to Starfleet first and foremost. You can either remove yourself from the situation emotionally or professionally, unfortunately you can't stand in both places. It simply isn't logical or rational." His voice drawled gently as he lay his proverbial cards on the table.

Amelia shrugged in return. "He's made his bed, and now he has to lie in it. Since you think my presence will be a hindrance, I wish you luck on wrangling him and I shall stay clear."

"By all means, Commander, comfort your brother. But I ask that you take a back seat when it comes to working with him in a professional capacity." Logan shifted in his seat, straightening himself a bit more against the back as he tried to relieve the growing ache in his leg. The chairs surrounding the briefing table hadn't been designed to accommodate someone as leggy and tall as he. Deep down he wondered if it was done as a slight against the Klingons and Cardassians, two notoriously tall races. "He's safe and in comforting hands." he added, darting his attention towards the gentle souled Tristan and back.

The Captain, however, was all too aware of how dangerous it was to tip toe so close to personal matters in what could be seen as a relatively public meeting. "Then it's settled. The initial official counseling sessions will be done without Commander Waterhouse being present. I do ask a certain degree of care is taken and I know I can trust you both with him." Rochelle said, looking back between the officer's concerned.

"If there aren't any other questions or concerns, I believe we can wrap this up and get this show on the road."

Logan shook his head, "My concerns and questions have been handled, ma'am." He replied and looked towards the chief counselor once again.

Neyes, having rallied behind the concern of all involved, nodded his express approval. "I am very satisfied. We'll get started right away, Captain."

Saia simply nodded and looked at her PaDD, "I am eager to get my people ready for this mission."

Vlimar looked up and nodded. "All good here," he stated, picking up his padd from the table, pushing his chair away from the table, getting ready to get up.

"My team will be ready to put boots on the ground within an hour Captain," the Cardassian replied with a slight nod.

"Perfect. Consider yourselves dismissed. Commander Waterhouse, Commander Neyes? Expect to brief Ambassador Krogoth shortly." And with that, Rochelle brought the meeting to a close. It was her first as Captain of the Vindicator, and it seemed to have gone well. Thank the Gods for small miracles.

=/\= END LOG =/\=

Captain Rochelle Ivanova
Commanding Officer

Lt Commander Amelia Waterhouse
Executive Officer
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213-E

Commander Almar Dahe'el
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213-E

Commander James Archer
Starfleet Intelligence
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213-E

Commander Vlimar PontBrillant
Strategic Operations Commander
USS Vindicator - NCC-78213-E

Lt. Commander Tristan Neyes, PhD.
Chief Counseling Officer
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213-E

Commander Logan Grant
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213-E

Lieutenant Rotek
Chief Medical Officer
USS Vindicator-NCC-78123-E

Lt (jg) Saia Roswell
Chief Science Officer
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213-E


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