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Joint Log | Commander Grant, Lt Cmdr Neyes, Lt Rotek, Gnocchi - "Saucy"

Posted on Fri Oct 17th, 2014 @ 8:16am by Commander Tristan Neyes PhD. & Commander Logan Grant, PhD. & Lieutenant Commander Rotek

2,306 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Are You Touched?
Location: Sickbay

=/\= Sickbay, Deck Three =/\=

"Doctor Rotek. You're going to love what the pastafarian message can bring to the innermost workings of your soul." The lithe young woman said, her dreadlocks bouncing like noodles as she waved her arms gracefully in the air. She was demonstrating the whimsical fancy that was possible once you accepted the great pasta in the sky into your heart. For nearly an hour she'd followed the Klingon doctor around, as he treated refugees and listened to her extol the virtues of her religion. In emphatic and crazed exuberance, she bellowed her message in circles around him while using her body to illustrate her words visually.

"It's like you think, ... oh my rotini... I never knew life tasted this good!" Throwing up her arms and screaming in excited ecstasy. It was almost sexual.

Logan could hear the commotion from the corridor as he and Tristan made their way to sickbay to see exactly what they had in store for them. His brow furrowed and his lips became a thin line of tense speculation as he heard what sounded like a woman in the throes of passion. "Looks like the doc's trying out the sexual healing theory." He quipped, nodding his head in the direction of the wild, raucous, raunchy noises. It would only be a couple moments of amused speculation before the harrowing truth was revealed to them.

Surprised by the sounds echoing down the corridor at them, Tristan nearly stopped in his tracks. His eyes opened wider, and his mouth parted as he reacted to the explicit sounds. It had been a long time since he'd heard anyone bellow or moan in such a way. Part of him was suddenly hesitant to proceed, fearing the worst with the rag-tag bunch they'd brought on board. "You don't think they're... I mean, that's not..."

They both entered Sickbay a moment later.

The taller counselor froze at the sight of the whipping arms and dreadlocks. The woman was certifiable, the type of nut that had kept him awake at night clutching to an ill-fashioned spear the entire time he'd been down on that godforsaken planet. "Oh my lucky stars, we get to play with Gnocchi." He drawled under his breath having been all too happy to try and forget his experiences with the pasta-brained hippy.

Neyes' brow furrowed, "An odd name. I trust you were acquainted down on the surface, Commander?" Gnocchi, as she was apparently called, was wearing very little clothing. She didn't seem to mind, however, as her fluid momentum carried her around the room languidly. Each step sent another worry to the Trill that she would flail or fall, but she never did.

Logan coughed at the question. "The... woman... snacks on the souls of children as they dream." He replied, his brows and facial expressions flat as he spoke of Gnocci and her special brand of insanity. He was about to speak again, to warn Tristan not to look her in the eyes when it happened again.

"A colorful interpretation, if I've ever heard one." Neyes smirked.

Another piercing scream ricocheted off the walls as the woman spun around, hands firmly planted against the small of her back, and her mouth wide-open to expose her waggling tongue. "STRETCH!!! Holy Marinara! Look at you!!!"

She nearly pushed Rotek and Tristan out of the way to make a startling bee-line for Logan, her hungry eyes never breaking contact with his. On the way she found the energy and time to spin in the air and flourish as if it were a dance, a show for her new play thing. "You're all shiny and clean!"

Neyes backed up slightly, mouthing the nickname 'Stretch' to Grant questioningly, as he stood behind Gnocchi in the wake of her prancing motion. She was eccentric to say the least, and Tristan wasn't quite sure what to make of her. There had rarely been anyone on a starship, or on Trill who'd behaved so brazenly.

Logan scowled, looking over the dread-head to his colleague with eyes that simply begged to be put out of their misery. "Yes, and you're not." He managed to drum up some kind of pleasant smile, moving to keep the wild woman at arm's length. "The Captain assigned you a nice room near Noah, why don't you run on up there and settle in? Let the good doctor finish fixing up your friends? Hmm?" Gnocchi had been one of the doe eyed flock that had pouted and struggled with the fact that he was married. A few had suggested that she'd never know. Gnocchi had been adamant that Andrea wouldn't mind sharing and would come to be indoctrinated by the touch of the almighty noodle. Logan, however, had bitten his lip and curbed his thoughts regarding other 'noodles' touching his wife.

"You came to see me, I see." Gnocchi said, mocking a feign at professional conversation. It was a fiction she was not at all skilled to portray, as she pursed her lips and stood up straight, lowering her voice. Tristan watched as the woman displayed the demeanor of a small child, rampantly defying the notion that she should behave in any way other than how she wanted.

Like a flickering candle the wild woman suddenly changed again, throwing herself at Logan and screaming uncontrollably. "Stretch! I was just about to show the big Doctor how to pray to our lord and savior in the sky! Join us! Oh yes, that would be just the best. Let us give thanks to all we have...

...and all that will be." She eyed him seductively, her words lingering as she closed her face to his.

The big Kiwi almost fell over backwards with the intensity that Gnocchi had thrown herself into him. It was a cruel trick, one designed to force him to touch the crazed creature to keep from meeting the deck plates. His hands settled on her shoulders as he took a step backwards to stabilize himself and quickly found that his back met a bulkhead. Trapped. Like Schlompi in one of Anne's creations, only Logan was less than inclined to play along.

"Gnocchi..." He hummed, working to detach her from his chest and ribs, "that's not how this works. You know that I don't partake in praying to the Flying Spaghetti Monster, remember? We've had this discussion..." He grunted with effort as he managed to move her precariously wiggling body aside enough to be able to squeak past. The issue had been making sure he wasn't hurting the woman. May the Gods help him if he did, he'd never get rid of her. "about this a few times and the Doc is a busy busy man. I'm sure the Captain would be less than happy that you're bothering him and that would make Noah just as unhappy when she went down to have words. Isn't that right, Commander Neyes?"

"Very cranky," Tristan said, holding in his amusement, pressing his brow and frowning purposefully, "she's a very cranky Captain."

Gnocchi's hair whipped around again as she spun to face Tristan, her noodley locks filling the air around her for a moment. She looked defiantly at the Trill, and then at Grant again. "Fine. Fine, fine fine fine fine!" With a huff she bounced to Rotek again, pressing herself between him and another refugee he was attempting to treat.

"Have the Klingons experienced the noodle?" Her eyebrows perked up, and she ran her hands along his strong upper body, silently whistling as she did so. "My you're big."

Rotek looked up curiously at the woman, and the two officers with her. Calmly, hopeful the woman wouldn't hear he said "What's going on here? Who is this woman and why have you brought her here? I'm busy with my other patients." Pausing, he softened his tone and added "I'm sorry to be snappy, but she seems to be experiencing mental health issues, and they are your department, not mine."

"Well she's been here this whole time, Doctor Rotek," Tristan said, still chuckling, "the arrival of Dr. Grant seems to have... aroused her interest." Neyes walked over to the young woman and touched her hand with his, gently telling her he was near. She was an exotic creature, to be sure. Even with his warning, she flipped around and screamed in terror, and her dread-locked hair smacked Tristan in the face as she did so. The Trill felt them patter against his skin, and smelled the distasteful odor that remained there afterward.

"You may want to encourage a bath?" Neyes said, clearly a little off-put.

It was Logan's turn to have to stifle his amusement and he did so with relative ease. Or at least it would have been easy if it hadn't been for the open books that were his eyes. "I'll second that motion."

Calmly Rotek replied "I understand gentlemen. Do you think you can distract her long enough to allow me to scan her and find out what's wrong with her? I'm concerned if I were to approach her directly it may set her off."

The moment the partial Klingon doctor raised his hand with a tricorder in it, a shear and absolute look of terror filled the young, dreadlocked woman's eyes. Nearly stumbling backward over Tristan, she tossed her hands up in the air like noodley appendages and screamed. Other patients in the area drew their attention to the small group immediately as the crash of a pushed over tool-cart sounded through the room. Gnocchi continued to scream, scrambling over the cart she'd run into, and bolted for the door.

"Oh my." Neyes said, eyes wide.

"On it." Logan crab stepped to avoid the cart and it's now spilled over contents in his pursuit of the wildly flailing noodle-brained woman. If it hadn't been a serious threat to the well-being of the ship and other patients, he'd likely have simply rocked back on his heels and laughed. Gnocchi, however, presented a sincere problem, and one he'd have to play guardsman to.

"Listen, we can do this the hard way or the easy way." He grunted, his hands chasing one of her wildly flapping wrists until he was able to get his fingers around it and grimaced as he set back to hold her firmly in place. The door loomed just a few feet away as if mocking her thwarted panic induced plan of escape. "It's ultimately your choice, Gnocchi, but I'd suggest option A." Tonight would be one of those nights he'd spend at the lounge playing his heart out for the free booze... After a long long shower.

As the men were attempting to calm her down, Rotek had abandoned the tricorder and after slowly loading a hypo, carefully approached her from behind. With his free hand held out towards her in a non threatening gesture, he said "Please Gnocchi, try to relax, I won't hurt you. I want to help you feel better." Moving behind her without her hopefully noticing, his other hand shot out quickly, and pressed the hypo to her neck. He hoped the strong sedative would calm her down enough for him to examine her.

Gnocchi felt the medicine enter her, and immediately the world started to topple over around the room. The feeling was... supreme. Her hands started to tingle, her face began to go numb, and an intense need to sleep quickly swept through her. Like the sweet end to a night's attention to a bottle of rum, relax was exactly what she planned to do. "I won't no, I...," she limply poked Rotek in the forehead, "lumpy...", she then shot a look at Logan and her words began to slur, "Don't... don't let the eggs escape." A pair of nurses came to retrieve her, and took her to a biobed before she lost consciousness altogether.

Neyes watched the whole scene with amused disbelief. "It seems she prefers omelets to souls, Commander."

"No worries, Gnocchi, I'll guard the eggs." He assured the stumbling creature as he worked to keep her from meeting the floor with her face. Having released the drugged young woman to the care of the nurses, Logan sucked in his lower lip and shook his head. "They're fucking crazy. Every last one of them, but she..." He sighed heavily, "She's the worst of the lot." His thick accent betrayed his heavy blend of amusement and irritation as he gestured towards where the medical team was now loading the dreadhead onto a biobed. "Now just imagine being marooned on that Godforsaken planet with her for as long as I was. It's a wonder, I tell you." The counselor looked between the two other men and folded his arms across his chest. "Not a funny one, either."

Nodding as the nurses moved the woman to the biobed, Rotek replied "Hopefully whatever caused her ... break isn't permanent. I'm not a counselor, but it seems like almost a post traumatic stress condition that lead to a complete mental breakdown."

"Oh... That? That's her twenty-four-seven." Logan chuckled dryly.

Sighing, Rotek replied "Ok then. She should rest for at least a few hours. I'll let you know I need your help calming her down again. Was there anything else? I need to get back to work."

Neyes smiled, nodding in agreement to Rotek, "Of course. We should do the same? We'll have security escort her to her guest quarters when she comes to." Tristan looked to Logan, brow raised and a motion to the exit. Neyes stopped on the way out, taking a moment to address the half-Klingon, "Thank you for the diversion, Doctor. Let's do it again soon."

=/\=End Log=/\=

Lt. Commander Tristan Neyes, PhD.
Chief Counselor
USS Vindicator 78213-E

Commander Logan Grant, PhD.
USS Vindicator 78213-E

Lieutenant Rotek
Chief Medical Officer
USS Vindicator 78213-E


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