Uss Vindicator


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In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the Earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.”

Mission Group Phoenix
Start Date Tue Dec 1st, 2020 @ 7:48pm

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
A new beginning
by Lieutenant Commander Alessandro Lupo
Deep Space 14
[PLOT] U-One, U-Two | "Clandestine Undine"
by Captain Eirlys Irelle
SS Fitzgerald
[JDL] Capt Irelle, LtJG Dr. Tyrn, MD | "Doing It Up Like Midas"
by Captain Eirlys Irelle & Lieutenant JG Reisuum Tyrn
[JL] Capt Irelle, Cmdr Drei | "Flash of a Smile"
by Commander Saagran Drei & Captain Eirlys Irelle
Observation Lounge - USS VINDICATOR
[JDL] Capt Irelle, Cmdr Drei | "If You Like Pina Coladas..."
by Captain Eirlys Irelle & Commander Saagran Drei
Catch Me If You Can
by Commander William McCormick V
SD 242303.29 Flight Holodeck
[JDL] Capt Irelle, Cmdr McCormick | "The Unexpected"
by Captain Eirlys Irelle & Commander William McCormick V
USS Vindicator
JDL | Capt Irelle, Capt Aegnor | "Merry Meet"
by Captain Eirlys Irelle
Returning to Duty
by Commander William McCormick V
Earth, Space Dock
SD 242303.05 | CEO LtCmdr Ava Lee | "Bumpy Ride" Part 2
by Lieutenant Commander Ava Lee
En route to Cold Station Theta
by Captain Eirlys Irelle
Getting started
by Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Lieutenant Commander London Norris
Don't look a gift pip in the ... buttonhole
by Lieutenant Yivrin Pexil & Captain Eirlys Irelle
Ready Room | USS Vindicator
242302.19 | Disco Rangers
by Lieutenant Yivrin Pexil
The Ruins of Perpetual Decay - Ortenemjus IV
SD 242303.05 | CEO LtCmdr Ava Lee | "Bumpy Ride" Part 1
by Lieutenant Commander Ava Lee
En route to Cold Station Theta
[JGL] Capt. Irelle, Cmdr. Grant | "Paradox of Similarities"
by Captain Eirlys Irelle & Commander Logan Grant, PhD.
SD242211.24 | Com Ivanova, Capt Neyes, Lt MacLeod, Lt Sha'mer | "Second Star To The Right..." pt1
by Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Captain Landon Neyes & Lieutenant Ra'lin Sha'mer & Lieutenant Craig MacLeod
SD242110.22 | [PLOT] President Ravnsson, Fleet Admiral Red, Lieutenant Stacker | "Hallowed Be Thy Name"
by Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Lieutenant Si'a Dai'xun Shran & Lieutenant Craig MacLeod
SD242110.21 | [PLOT LOG] Commodore Aksel Ravnsson | "The All Father"
by Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Lieutenant Craig MacLeod
SD242108.30 | Personal Log | Lt. Shi'iara Stivi | New Beginnings
by Admiral Rochelle Ivanova
SD242108.29 | [PLOT] Cmdr Stacker, Cmdr Archer, R2 | "A Shifting of Shadows"
by Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Commander James Archer & Lieutenant Commander James Stacker
SD242108.28 | Cmdr Ivanova, Capt Neyes | "Of Time and Tempests"
by Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Captain Landon Neyes
SD242103.03 | [Backlog] JL XO Cmdr. Dahe'el & Lt. Ra'lin Sha'mer - "Off With His Head"
by Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Commander Almar Dahe'el & Lieutenant Ra'lin Sha'mer
SD242103.03 | Com. Ivanova, Capt. Neyes | "Snowflakes and Star Fall" pt 2 - NSFW
by Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Captain Landon Neyes
SD242103.03 | Com. Ivanova, Capt. Neyes | "Snowflakes and Star Fall" pt 1
by Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Captain Landon Neyes

Mission Summary

Sometimes not all is as it seems and we must did beneath the surface to find that which we hold holy and to separate light from the darkness. Rochelle Ivanova is dead... Or is she?