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JDL |ACMO & MMO| |LtJg Cannon & 2Lt Johansen| Lending a Helping Hand

Posted on Mon Sep 2nd, 2013 @ 8:17pm by 2nd Lieutenant Jasmine Garza & Lieutenant JG Adrianna Baciami

392 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Secret Meetings
Location: Sickbay

=*= Sickbay, USS Vindicator =*=

TJ quickly headed to sickbay after Ellis gave her orders. Thinking this might be a good time to mend some fences and build some bridges she would take the opportunity to do just that. "Excuse me I'm looking for doctor Cannon?" TJ said to a nurse.

The nurse, although busy, pointed over to the ACMO and smiled, "The ginger."

"Thank you." TJ said to the nurse and than heading off in the direction. "Doctor Cannon?" TJ asked, "I'm second lieutenant Tamara Johansen I'm Alpha Companies medical officer I've sent down here to provide support. Oh.....also you can call me TJ." She said this with a small smile on her face.

"Call me Doc, or Mac, I'm not one for formalities," The doctor said as she stood up straight and turned around to face TJ. She had just checked up on a patient, "What did you say you were here for, sorry? I was occupied and didn't catch what you said, only parts."

"Just to lend hand when and if any casualties come in from the derelict ships out there." TJ said, "I just wanted to introduce myself before the coming chaos starts."

"Any extra hands, are welcome," she smiled in response, "Although, this department has got very efficient, so try and fit in where you can."

Nods, "well my expertise lies in emergency/trauma medicine. So if you want I can triage or work one of the emergency bays?"

"Either is fine, although I'm trying to be optimistic and hope we won't be too busy," Mac sighed.

"Of course....." TJ said looking around, "but at the same time if we're not busy that means all hands were loss."

"Better to have very little amounts of patients than to be too busy," Mac warned.

TJ nodded. "For right now is there anything you need to me to do. Check supplies, get the triage area ready or get the trauma bays ready?"

Mac looked around, "I think... yes... we're all set. You can make yourself acquainted with triage," she looked back to TJ.

"Of course." With that TJ headed off to familiarize herself with the sickbay and claim a trauma bay.

2Lt Tamara "TJ" Johansen
2nd Division, 2nd Battalion,
Alpha Company Chief Medical Officer (npc by Aza)
USS Vindicator


Lieutenant JG Mackenzie Cannon MD
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Vindicator


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