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JDL|CMO&MO;|Lt. Rotek & Ens. Maxwell|"Here goes nothing!"

Posted on Sun Aug 24th, 2014 @ 7:42am by Ensign Robyn Maxwell & Lieutenant Commander Rotek

920 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: In the Dark
Location: Sickbay


Rotek, having finally settled in to his quarters, had spent a good amount of time doing an inventory of Sickbay. He knew he would need to confirm some supply transfers from the station, but everything seemed to be relatively in order. He had to admit though, he was bit nervous about his new assignment. Moving from a simple medical officer to Chief Medical Officer was a bit a daunting task. He knew he would find his feet soon though, also he knew that he needed to keep ... other things off his mind, and focus on his duties. He looked up from a supply closet he was organizing when he heard the doors open, and wondered who would be dropping in out of the blue.

Robyn had had a restless night after the incident with Henry Novak. She would have to repack everything she had unpacked less than a day ago and fell asleep with the plan to do that first thing before heading sickbay to meet her new CMO. By breakfast time the luggage was repacked and the move to her second new quarters had been made. Munching on a round of Marmalade on toast, Robyn checked the CMOs whereabouts via compute and learned that he was already in sickbay. Ten minutes later and feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement as she checked her uniformed self in the mirror, she made her way to sickbay, located the CMOs office and taking a deep breath, tapped on the partly open door and waited.

Rotek stepped out from behind the supply closet door as he heard the tapping. Clearing his throat, he said "Hello? Can I help you with something Ensign?"

She entered the room before replying: "Lieutenant Rotek? Yes sir. I'm one of the new medical officers recently arrived on board. May I introduce myself...Maxwell...Robyn." she said

Walking over to her, he recognized her name from the crew manifest and extended a hand "It's nice to meet you Ensign. Have you had a chance to settle in yet?"

They shook hands each taking the moment to assess the other. He was, Robyn decided, not as tall as an average Klingon but still with the typical powerful impression.

"Getting there." Robyn replied, following him when he turned away towards his desk. "There was a mix-up with quarters so I'm moving now. ...just when I was getting to know the layout. I kept getting lost" she said with a small smile.

Nodding, he said "I must admit I got lost a few times myself Ensign." Pausing, he said "Did you need to go over anything with me right now? I'm just working on the inventory, you can feel free to help, or you could familiarize yourself with the crew records. Its up to you really."

"I'll help ofcourse." Robyn offered. "I know what inventories are like" she added, recalling how tedious they could be. "When we have a break, perhaps I can look around the department...get my bearings here as well"

Turning his attention back to the supply closet he said "That's great. I appreciate the help. Please take grab that padd next to you and confirm we have the proper amount of emergency medkits on hand, and they are properly stocked." Pausing, he said "And the look around the department sounds like a good idea. I haven't had much more then a quick scan around myself."

"Ok." Robyn replied taking the padd and beginning to study it. The lists seemed endless and few had been completed. "Where would you like me to begin?" she asked "...the Escape Pods?" she suggested merely because they were the next unchecked area on her padd.

Nodding, Rotek replied "Yes, start with the escape pods, I'll work on the shuttles and runabouts." Closing the supply closet, he tapped a few notes into his padd and added "If you wouldn't mind the company, I could walk with you part of the way."

"Certainly" she replied, glad to have the chance to get to know him a little more than simply a brief introduction. They set off together, his strides slightly longer than hers so that occasionally they walked in step and other times not. Turning to the right on exiting the main sickbay Robyn asked," Where were you stationed before coming to Vindicator?"

Rotek replied "I was on the Jenev as an assistant medical officer. It was my first Starfleet ship after upgrading at the Academy. What about you? Is this your first assignment?"

Robyn nodded. "Yes, I've completed a year at Copernicus...the Lunar hospital..." she said glancing at the CMO to ensure he was aware of the place "..but I applied for a ship position as soon as possible. Three came up at the same time and I was assigned here. I'm looking forward to it."

They walked in silence for a few steps. Robyn checked their whereabouts on her padd cross referencing the results as they passed a corridor intersection."How many doctors will there be in total?" she asked.

Thinking for a moment as they walked he said "I'm not 100% sure. I know there will a core staff within Sickbay, but I've heard that we will be getting various medical researchers and orderlies, and probably who knows how many orderlies and nurses."

"I see." she replied then:
"This is where I go..." she pointed along a corridor. "See you later" and they parted company.

=/\=End Log=/\=

Lieutenant Rotek
Chief Medical Officer
USS Vindicator
Ensign Robyn Maxwell
USS Vindicator


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