JPL |Lt Novak & PO2 Rayya| "Surf Up"
Posted on Sat Sep 13th, 2014 @ 9:42pm by Lieutenant Henry Novak & Petty Officer 2nd Class Rael Rayya
604 words; about a 3 minute read
Are You Touched?
Location: Qapla' Resort
Timeline: Current
It was the next morning and Rael woke up to the sound of waves hitting the beach. The night before head been fun, and Ela surprised him with her drinking ability. After sitting up Rael rubbed his face he ended up taking the couch allowing Ela to have bed, "coffee." He muttered as he grabbed his shorts and slipped them on.
Deciding that the buffet downstairs would be easier he slipped out of the room quietly and headed down. After filling his plate and getting his coffee he spotted someone he recognized, "Novak was it?"
Henry had come in to the main resort from where he was staying in the bungalows. The replicator wasn't working as desired and he didn't have much hope it'd be repaired before his stay was up. So instead he decided to get breakfast at the main resort with the rest of the crew staying there. It would be a chance to socialize and get to know some of them in a more informal environment.
"That's right," Henry replied as he heard his name. "Petty Officer Rayya, right?"
"Yes, may I?" Rael asked before setting his plate and coffee down and taking a seat himself.
"Please, join me. How are things in the science department? Is the transition going well?" Henry asked as he picked up his cup of raktajino.
"The official transition with all the paperwork and first meeting of my new DH went well. But haven't really had a chance to sink my hands into any projects, RnR happened right after everything was made official," Rael said with a smile taking a sip of his raktajino, "how's the transition going for you?"
"So far nothing majorly intensive. I've been running some flight simulations and getting advice from Crewman Thomas on the nuances of flying the Vindicator," Henry explained. "She's a powerful ship and needs a delicate touch." He took a bite from the croissant-like baked thing on his plate and was pleasantly relieved that it was a step up from the broken replicator. "What do you think of the resort so far?"
"A bit bizarre for a Klingon world, but it's nice." Rael said, "mind you I'm used to barrack's or mining towns."
"Yeah," Henry laughed. "It's the last place I expected to find a Ferengi-owned resort, but I guess you should never underestimate a Ferengi's willingness to go wherever there's profit to be made. Any plans for your stay here?"
"Ran into the captain's yeoman, myself and a colleague are gonna join him for dinner. Besides that just relaxing." Rael said with a smirk. "You?"
"Relaxing sounds like just what the doctor ordered. I was thinking of getting a hoverboard and checking out some waves," Henry said as he glanced out towards the ocean. "I haven't surfed in ages, so I'll probably end up half drowning myself."
"You surf?!" Rael asked excitedly, "well if you do go out I would love to come with you, if that's alright?"
"Yeah, of course!" Henry responded with a grin. "It would be great to have some company. That way if I actually drown, there's someone to save me," he laughed. "Seriously though, I'm not that bad. It would be fun to have you along."
"Excellent, just call when your gonna head out. Need to check in on my companion I came down with." Rael said grinning.
"Great, I look forward to it," Henry smiled as he got up with his cup. "I'll see you on the beach!"
Petty Officer Rael Rayya
Science Mate Second Class
USS Vindicator
Lieutenant Henry Novak
Flight Control Officer
USS Vindicator