JDL |Ensign Jane Jones & Ensign Robyn Maxwell & Crewman Cecil duPont - "Mend Me, Shape Me"
Posted on Mon Sep 22nd, 2014 @ 8:36pm by Ensign Robyn Maxwell & Ensign Jane Jones
1,258 words; about a 6 minute read
Are You Touched?
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current
Jane Jones was sitting at one of the desks in the medical offices next to sickbay sorting out some reports that she had to get into the CMO soon. She was struggling to fit them all in, and knew that at any moment someone could come in hurt.
With so many crew off ship, sickbay was extremely quiet. Robyn had tidied her desk, the shelves and in fact all of her small office occasionally looking out for signs of Scott but he was keeping a low profile it seemed and wasn't to be seen. She wasn't sure whether this was a good thing or not.
Cecil had been among some of the first crew called when Operations started paging crew who weren't in the resort to inform them that leave was getting cut short. He'd been in the middle of a tour of The Great Hall, and he'd tripped as he tried to quickly excuse himself from the tour group so he wouldn't get in trouble with his Klingon tour guides. They were certainly a no nonsense group of people.
Cecil hadn't even stopped into his quarters to drop off his bag on the way back from the transporter room, he headed right into sickbay. He hoped it wasn't anything worse than a sprain, he didn't want anything to get in the way of his duties. He limped into sickbay and looked to see who was on duty. His faded blue hibiscus print shirt and khakis spoke of his tourist activities on leave.
"Hello?" Cecil called, looking around again. The doors into sickbay drew closed behind him as he limped out of the door's sensor range.
Robyn glanced quickly towards the part open office door but could see nothing so approached it still craning her head as though to see around the frame. Leaving the room and entering the wide space of the sickbay entrance, she saw at once the man who had called out.
He was dressed most casually and the holdall lying on the floor told of a recent return from the planet.
He stood with his weight mostly on one foot, the other barely touching the ground.
"May I help you?" she asked, walking towards him
Jane came out of her office and headed towards the person who'd just walked in. "What have we got here then?" She asked as she directed him to one of the biobeds.
"I was startled by the callback to the ship, while out touring," Cecil explained as he hobbled to the biobed. "I missteped as I tried to move aside before the tour guide singled me out for the disturbance. I hope it isn't too bad." He set his leather awol bag down on the biobed and sat next to it.
"Best to lie back please..." Robyn said "...then we can have a good look at whatever it is you've done."
She offered support as he began to raise his foot and rearrange his position on the biobed.
Jane moved over to the sickbays computer and accessed the ships database. "Can I take your name please, I just have to find your medical file on the database!" She asked as she tapped a few buttons
"Let me take that for you." Robyn suggested as Cecil dithered with the bag. She placed it carefully out of the way.
"Crewman Cecil duPont," he answered the doctor at the computer as he smiled at the one guiding him on the biobed. His eyes followed his bag as she moved it for him, out of nothing but an urge to know where his bag was at all times.
Jane tapped in a few more commands onto the computer console and bought up a medical record. "Ok, just to confirm, no allergies or current medications?" She asked as she transferred the information onto a padd and handed it to Robyn.
"Well, I think I have an allergy to cats, but it's not in my record yet. I've been having an issue with itchy eyes after interactions with Lieutenant Ebonheart," he returned. "Otherwise, no allergies or medications currently. No."
"Really!" Robyn said sounding interested. She added something Cecil couldnt see onto the padd. " We can check that out for you too." she said, giving him a reassuring smile. "Now Dr.Jones is going to have a look at your foot. Don't worry, it wont hurt a it."
"Ok Cecil, i'm just going do a quick scan of your leg and we can try and find out how bad this is for you!" Jane said as she started to scan Cecil's leg with her medical tricorder. "Ok, you've only sprained your ankle, when are you due on duty next?" Jane asked.
"I'm sure the Captain needs me as soon as I can get into uniform," Cecil insisted, "She's bound to have lots to do with this unexpected end to leave."
"Ensign Maxwell, I will leave Cecil in your capable hands!" Jane said as she headed for her officer, then looking back over her shoulder and said, "If you need anything i'll be in my office!" She said then walked into her office, she was confident that Robyn could handle everything.
Slightly surprised by Janes unexpected departure, she watched her leave for a moment then turned back to the patient and gave a small smile.
"I can treat this for you." she said " It wont take long and should be usable almost immediately. It will feel a little tender but no lasting effect...ok?"
"Thank you so much," Cecil said, an eyebrow raised at the retreating form of the other doctor for a moment before smiling wide at Maxwell.
Robyn selected the appropriate med tool from a tray in a side cabinet, adjusted the setting and paused for a moment.
"Luckily no socks." she said with a smile and explained simply how the tool would repair strained tendons and reduce inflamation.
"You'll feel a tingle and possibly a degree of warmth. If anything at all becomes uncomfortable then please tell me." she said "Ok?"
Cecil nodded, watching with curiosity as Maxwell worked the device. Indeed it did tingle, and got a little warm, but it felt kind of nice.
"There..." she said a half minute or so later as she stood and looked at his foot in much the same way that a sculptor might admire a recent creation. "...how does that feel?
Her smile to Cecil was pleasant and confident as she offered her arm to assist him in sitting up.
He twisted his foot around a second before he accepted Maxwell arm. After she helped him sit up, Cecil hesitated only a moment after swinging his legs off the edge of the biobed before putting his weight on it to stand. He shifted on and off the ankle a couple times, then smiled.
"Feels good as new, thank you."
Robyn smiled, satisfied. "Good." she said. "It shouldnt give you any problems..obviously fon't go running a marathon or anything for a few days but I don't expect that you will need to come in again...ok?"
"I won't run unless the Captain orders it," Cecil insisted. "Don't plan to be back in until my next physical..." He glanced at his watch. "Captain is probably wondering where I am. Excuse me." He collected his bag from where it'd been set aside, and headed towards to doors quickly. "Thank you!" he added over his shoulder.
=/\= END LOG =/\=
Crewman Cecil duPont
Captain's Yeoman
USS Vindicator
Ensign Robyn Maxwell
Medical Officer
USS Vindicator
Ensign Jane Jones
USS Vindicator