PLOT - Joint Duty Log | Capt Ivanova, LtCmdr Waterhouse, Cn Thomas, Krogoth - "Take It Away"
Posted on Mon Sep 22nd, 2014 @ 7:52pm by Commander Amelia Waterhouse & Krogoth & Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Crewman Christian Thomas
829 words; about a 4 minute read
Mission: Are You Touched?
Getting up from behind her desk, Rochelle tugged at the hem of her tunic to straighten it out, blew a sigh and looked at Amelia. The entire debacle with J.A.G had left a most bitter taste in her mouth, but she wasn't going to allow one insignificant thorn in her side trip her up or send her down the road to failure. The Vindicator had nothing to hide, of that she was certain. "Show time." She said to her first officer, a wry smile tugging at the corner of her mouth as she left the sanctity of her ready room and stepped out onto the bridge.
Everything looked sharper, like it was coming to life before her very eyes -- even if the picture was sharpened by the presence of the Klingon official standing close to the center chair. Her chair. "Krogoth." She greeted him with a nod of her head as she took up her seat and motioned to a console close by.
"Captain Ivanova." He replied in kind and nodded to the half-breed hot on her heels, "Commander Waterhouse. I take it we're finally leaving?" He sighed, his earlier amusement obviously worn thin.
"We are." Rochelle replied as she crossed her coltish legs and waited for Amelia to settle beside her. "Helm, take us out at full impulse," She ordered, knowing the Crewman would be on the mark and waiting. "and lay in course to coordinates provided at warp six once we clear the system."
Krogoth went to open his mouth, something about how the ship was capable of moving much faster according to information he'd seen, but chose to shut his mouth for the time being. Some things were better left unsaid, and in this case the Klingon Empire had more pressing matters at hand than quibbling over speed with a human Captain. Especially when one valued their facial hair, he reminded himself while remembering the way the savage little woman had handled her encounter with Duras scum in the bar. Instead he took the offered seat with a heavy snort, folding his arms and watching the view screen.
Amelia kept a careful eye on Krogoth. She couldn't help noting the twitch as he'd considered responding to Rochelle's order, or the wary and respectful look he directed at the little firebird. A proud smile graced Amelia's lips, and she turned her gaze to the crewman at helm.
"Course set, Captain. Engaging at full-impulse." Thomas said from the helm. His hands quickly heeding her commands, and tapping a few controls as the ship hummed to life.
Moving the incredible giant was no small feat of power, and simply clearing an orbit felt like dragging a beached sailing ship back out to sea. The Vindicator's powerful engines burst with energy, and the surge of thrust could be heard in the increasing hum of the charged power conduits throughout the ship. The silver-etched hull of the Vindicator turned slow and wide, and on the view screen the bridge crew could not help but feel the intense momentum in the stars as they passed from side to side.
The system was not terribly large, and she passed outside her bounds in short order. Thomas continued at full-impulse as they blazed past the outer edges of the system, the last planetary body quickly fading into the stars behind them.
"All clear ma'am. That is to say we've completed our trip out of the system and into open space. So if you'd like to go to warp now, it's perfectly safe... ma'am." Christian said, looking ahead.
Rochelle watched in wonder as the ship began to stretch her legs and come alive all around them. It was a feeling that would never grow old or tiresome, such power beckoning to be played with and all of it kept under containment only by the most skilled of hands. The redhead smiled and settled deeper into the comfortable confines of her seat, her eyes following the planets and stars until the only thing that was left to do was utter one single word; "Engage."
And with a roar the ship leaped forward and the stars rushed forth to greet her as they entered warp in the blink of an eye and tore boldly forth towards the origin of the distress call. Even Krogoth was taken back by the way the Vindicator claimed space as her own. It was magic.
Amelia stayed silent, watching. The bridge was always a fascinating buzz of activity, and she loved the vantage point the XO's chair gave her to observe it. As things settled into the familiar routine, her thoughts turned to Dustin Shea in her office. Once she could slip away, she'd go see where he was in paperwork and send him to Almar.
=/\= END LOG =/\=
Captain Rochelle Ivanova
Commanding Officer
Lt Commander Amelia Waterhouse
Executive Officer
USS Vindicator, NCC 78213-E
Crewman Christian Thomas (APB Landon)
Flight Control Officer