PL|CMO|Lt. Rotek|"Calm"
Posted on Mon Sep 22nd, 2014 @ 3:08am by Lieutenant Commander Rotek
496 words; about a 2 minute read
Are You Touched?
Location: Rotek's Quarters
=/\=Rotek's quarters=/\=
Stepping out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist, Rotek took a deep breath. After what happened with the captain on the planet, he'd decided to come back aboard and try to relax. Thankfully he'd come aboard before a lot of the trouble on the planet had started. Padding over to the dresser, he quickly changed into some boxer briefs, and sat on the edge of the bed. His gaze instinctively drifted to the small locket on his nightstand. He'd kept it in storage up until he'd heard of his parent's deaths, and then had started wearing it secretly under his uniform. He knew it wasn't standard protocol to wear jewelry, but he felt it was something he needed to do. Lifting it up, he gently opened it and saw the photo of his parents.
His father stood with his stern gaze staring at whoever was taking the picture, almost challenging them to hurry up. His mother clung to his side with a wide smile, looking as if she was laughing at something outside the frame. Running his finger over the photo, he sighed, not knowing how to feel about them at the moment. He was still crushed by their deaths, and knew he would need to speak to the counselor soon, but part of him was almost numb. Ever since he'd chosen to reveal his sexuality to them, they'd been remote, his father going so far as to throw him out of the house. He'd claimed that the family had already experienced enough dishonor because of his marriage to his mother, a human. His father had told him he wouldn't allow him to further dishonor the family with his revelation. Rotek's mother had been a bit more understanding, and initially had visited him secretly, bringing him his belongings and sending him messages when she could. Soon though, the communication had ended, and he hadn't heard from them. Even when he'd graduated from the Defense Force Academy, and eventually Starfleet Academy, they had remained silent.
Part of him didn't know the people in the photo, because they had chosen to cut him out of their lives, another part of him felt like a part of his heart had been cut out. Strangely enough he also sort of felt a calmness. Maybe it was because he'd let out all the pain he'd been holding it. Or maybe it was because he'd realized that he didn't have to hide his pain anymore. It had been so hard keeping it from everyone, but now it felt slightly better. Perhaps with time and some help he would learn how to feel normal again. Closing the locket, and slipping it over his head, he quickly combed his long hair, then slipped into his uniform. He thought that maybe keeping himself busy would help him feel better. Deciding that he looked presentable, he left his quarters, en route for Sickbay.
=/\=End Log=/\=
Lieutenant Rotek
Chief Medical Officer
USS Vindicator