JDL | Ens Jones & Lt Rotek | Reporting for Duty
Posted on Mon Nov 24th, 2014 @ 2:36am by Ensign Jane Jones & Lieutenant Commander Rotek
479 words; about a 2 minute read
All Hallows’
Location: Sickbay
Jane was on her way to meet the Chief Medical Officer. She had recently been transferred to the Vindicator as Head Nurse and had yet to make herself known. She had spent a few days getting used to the layout of the ship, and was now confident about where everything was. She headed through the sickbay doors into the CMO's office. "Ensign Jones, reporting for duty Lieutenant!" She said.
Rotek was startled by her introduction, as he'd been focusing on updating the report he'd been working on. Taking a moment to calm himself he said "Thank you Ensign. Please take a seat and try to relax before you hurt yourself."
Jane did as she was asked, and took a seat opposite the CMO. "Sorry sir, I didn't mean to startle you!" She said.
Smiling slightly, Rotek nodded and said "It's ok Ensign. Don't worry about it. I assume you have transfer orders for me?"
"Yes, I do, I'm your new head nurse!" Jane said as he passed over the PADD with all the details. "I was assigned to the USS Endeavor, where I completed extra training as a Nurse, I also have experience in a previous life of being a Paramedic, and also a Doctor. This symbiont seems to have a knack for picking hosts in the medical proffesion!" Jane said as she watched the Lieutenant looking over the PADD.
Quickly browsing the padd, he officially acknowledged the transfer and said "I'm happy to have you aboard Ensign. Before we get started, I'll let you know I'm a bit ... unconventional at times, I hope you can learn to roll with that."
"I recall one of my previous hosts was a bit like that. Always thinking up his own way of doing things! I'm sure I can deal with it!" Jane said, recalling a previous hosts memories.
Smiling, he replied "Was there anything you needed to go over with me before we get to your duties?"
"Only when do I start!" Jane said, getting excited.
Smirking, he replied "You can start right now if you like. I'd like you to check the crew physical records and compile a list of those who haven't had an updated physical. Also, before I forget, I will be depending on you to be in charge of Sickbay if I am called away or whatever."
"One other question, is there room to progress?" Jane asked
Nodding, he said "Of course Ensign. It will depend on how you do in your current role." Standing, he extended a hand and added "Welcome aboard Ensign Jones. I look forward to working with you."
"Thank you Lieutenant, I look forward to working with you also!" She said as she shook the CMO's hand, and picking up a PADD. "I'll get to work immediately!"
=/\=End Log=/\=
Lieutenant Rotek
Chief Medical Officer
USS Vindicator
Ensign Jane Jones
Head Nurse
USS Vindicator