JDL - MCPO Caine & LtCmdr Rotek - "Scars"
Posted on Mon Feb 2nd, 2015 @ 3:17am by Master Chief Petty Officer Rik Caine & Lieutenant Commander Rotek
887 words; about a 4 minute read
Mission: A Spot To Kill
A mental checklist in his mind was slowly dwindling down. Stuff he had to get done before he would be allowed to properly get on with his work. Rik was heading to sickbay, it hadn’t made it to the list of its own volition but protocol insisted a physical when joining a new ship or station. Damn he hated protocol.
Sauntering into the medical bay he looked around, checking exits, watching faces. A darkened shadow played across his face. It wasn’t that he was scared of doctors - just he found it hard to follow their instructions for rest when work needed to be done. He walked deeper into the room and cleared his throat hopeful of getting the attention of a passing croaker.
Rotek looked up when he heard the doors opened to Sickbay. He was updating some files in his office, and hadn't expected any patients. Stepping out into the bay, he cleared his throat and said "Can I help you crewman?"
"Ah doc, possibly, Master Chief Caine, new starter on this tub. Gotta have the mandatory physical but if you've got my records and don't feel ya need to... Or if ya busy joe I can go?" He said half-turning and hoping he was going to be able to get out of this. Last thing he needed was more questions about why he'd kept all the scars.
Nodding, he replied "Nice to meet you Mr. Caine. I'm Lieutenant Commander Rotek, Chief Medical Officer. If you'd like you take a seat on one of the biobeds we can get things started." Not waiting for an answer he walked over to a nearby biobed and grabbed a padd, bringing up the man's medical records.
Rik couldn't hide his disappointment that he was going to have to go through the medical check. Sighing slightly he followed the doctor over to the biobed in question and looked around. No easy escape route he thought to himself as he waited. "Sure thing doc, sure thing".
After quickly browsing his medical file, Rotek began scanning him with a tricorder. As he did so, he said "While I'm doing my scan, was there anything you'd like to bring up that may not be highlighted in your medical file?"
Rik sighed and rubbed his left knee the phantom pain striking again. He knew it wasn't really there and he knew his medical records would contain extensive details regarding the circumstances of each and every scar and former broken bone in his body - and that the patient chose not to have dermal regeneration. "Just my knee Doc, site of the scar has been giving me trouble; not sure if it's nerves or in the mind" he admitted.
Nodding as he finished the initial scans, Rotek moved to his left knee. Gently lifting it he scanned it more thoroughly and said "From what I can see it seems like there is a bit of inflammation at the site of the scar. I can give you a hypospray to help lessen the pain." Pausing, he added "Do you mind I ask why you have chosen to keep your scars?"
Rik smiled to himself; it was a question he got often from doctors but didn't come with an answer that was often understood. "Well croaker, a hypo would be swell right about now. As for the scars" he paused and cast his mind back to his first conversation with Amelia on the subject "I'm counting coup. They're a reminder of every chiv, every time I've been caught in Chicago lightning and only got clipped, lives saved, lives lost. Tell you the truth croaker, they're my life story" he explained.
Sighing, as he pressed a hypo to the man's neck Rotek said "Ok, so that hypo should help lessen the pain in your knee. Please come back if it continues and we can run more tests. And please refer me to as Doctor or Lieutenant Commander Rotek, and not 'croaker' if you don't mind." Pausing, he said "Was there anything else you needed to go over before we finish?"
Rik chuckled to himself "Not if we're all done and don't mind at all Doc. I should explain that croaker is hardboiled slang for doctor, originates in 1920s America. I sometimes forget not everyone will appreciate it or understand it's meaning". He paused and rubbed his knee where the hypo had emmited its dose of painkillers. "No offence meant" he added.
Nodding, Rotek replied "It's fine. As I said, let me know if your knee bothers you again. You are free to return your duties. I'll update your file and mark you as clear for duty."
"Will do C… doc" Rik said correcting himself with a grin and a nod as he pulled himself of the biobed shaking his leg out after the hypospray. "Thanks for the all clear… hopefully the next time we chin we won't be hanging out in this joint" he commented looking around the medbay as he walked out. Raising his hand in a wave as he left the door the last image of the Master Chief as he headed back to work.
=/\=End Log =/\=
Lieutenant Commander Rotek
Chief Medical Officer
USS Vindicator, NCC 78213-E
Master Chief Petty Officer Rik Caine
Security Investigator/Chief of the Boat
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213-E