[Backlog] JDL | Capt Moneaux & LtCmdr Rotek & LtJg Black | "More Questions Than Answers I'm Afraid"
Posted on Tue Mar 3rd, 2015 @ 6:13am by Lieutenant JG Teá Black & Lieutenant Commander Rotek
1,238 words; about a 6 minute read
A Spot To Kill
Location: Sickbay
= V =
Unlike most people Teá found it actually comforting even relaxing and wasn't like she needed to get her physical out of the way. Closing her eyes as she let the warm water run down as she felt the throbbing at the base of her skull continue. This wasn't unusual for her but the frequency of them increased it was the timing of the frequency was the alarming thing. Turning the shower off she dried off and got dressed grabbing her bag she left her quarters.
Walking into sickbay Teá looked around, "Excuse me I need to see the chief medical officer."
The young woman she'd spoken too smiled slightly and gestured to the nearby chief medical officer's office and said. "Lieutenant commander Rotek is currently in his office."
"Thanks." Teá said walking over to the office door and hitting the chime.
Rotek looked up as he heard the chime at his office door. Clearing his throat he said "It's open, come in."
"Lieutenant Commander Rotek. Lieutenant junior grade Teá Black sorry for the intrusion but ever since I joined Startfleet I've been told all my dealings in medical need to be done by the CMO. From my understanding only the CMO has access to my medical files hell I don't even have access to them."
Smiling slightly, Rotek gestured to the seat in front of his desk and said "Please take a seat lieutenant. Let me take a look at your file. Are you just looking to complete your intake physical today, or is there something specific you'd like to discuss?"
"Something specific......migraines or at least I think they're migraines." Teá said as she took a seat.
Looking at her with concern, he grabbed a tricorder from a nearby shelf and walked around the desk, where he began scanning her. Calmly he said, "what do you mean you think they are migraines? Have you been experiencing them for a long period of time and have they increased in intensity?"
"No just recently I would say within the last month. They started out pretty mild and lasting for only a few minuets to ones that were insanely painful and lasted for several hours. Making me feel nauseous, difficulty seeing and even difficulty standing." Teá said hoping that this wasn't anything serious.
Nodding, he frowned at his tricorder, the readings didn't seem right. Thinking for a moment he said "Lieutenant, my scans show that your brain activity is extremely high. It's very atypical for someone who I don't believe is telepathic."
"Telepathy?" Teá asked sounding even more confused than the good doctor.
Sighing, he said, "I don't know how to explain it without going over your file in more detail. It apparently has some sections that are currently blocked as classified."
"What do you mean classified?" Teá asked sounding even more confused.
Taking a breath to focus himself, Rotek replied "Classified as in it will take my authorization codes to unseal the information. The section of your record requires me to ask if you consent to me providing information to you about the file. I am unable to share the file with you, but I can examine it and try to find out more information about what is causing the headaches."
"Okay you have my permission." Teá said looking at the commander knowing that when joining Starfleet Intelligence some parts of your history get's classified but medical records was an odd thing to have classified.
Nodding, he called up some information, then replied "Ok, from what I see here the cause of your migranes may be due to some aspects of your mixed heritage."
Just than his console beeped with a incoming call from a captain Dorsey Moneaux of Starfleet Intelligence Department of Science and Technology. As he was waiting Dorsey turned to his aide, "When did officer Black get assigned to the Vindicator?" The aide just shrugged unable to answer before the call was answered.
Rotek was about to speak when his console beeped. Pressing the control, he said "Lieutenant Rotek here, how can I help you?"
"Captain Dorsey Moneaux may I ask who else is in the office with you?" Dorsey figured that Teá was in the office as well knowing the good commander needed permission to access her file.
Looking at the man on the screen with confusion he said "Lieutenant Junior Grade Teá Black. Excuse me Captain, but may I ask who you are and why you have contacted me?"
"Could you please have Ms Black leave your office. This is for your ears only." Dorsey said.
Sighing, Rotek nodded and said "Please Lieutenant, give us a few moments of privacy. I will retrieve you when we are finished." After she left, he said "Ok, we're alone."
Teá just shrugged stood and walked out of the office taking a seat in one of the seats near the office, "Thank you commander like I said I'm captain Dorsey Moneaux an officer in Starfleet Intelligence department of science and technology. We were alerted when you accessed Ms Black's medical records. As you can see we've restricted them temporary. I need to know why you need to view them."
Thinking for a moment, he replied "Without breaking the rules of doctor-patient confidentiality, I can advise that Lieutenant Black came to me for her physical, and complained of severe migranes. I was accessing her file to find out if there is a medical condition causing the trouble."
"How long have the migraines been going on for?" Dorsey asked looking through the file and seeing some mention of them but that was several months ago.
"She reported that they started within the last month. They apparently are becoming more intense." he replied cooly.
"Okay you'll have access to parts of her file but the lieutenant is not allowed to see any part of it. Once you get the results you speak to me first and than I'll inform you on which things Ms Black is allowed to hear?" Dorsey said tapping a few buttons and sending over a formal letter letting the commander know that this was not a request.
Nodding as he received the letter, Rotek calmly replied "Understood Captain. Is there anything further before I return to assisting my patient?"
"Of course and keep us informed commander." Dorsey said closing the link and restoring access to part of her file.
After the com closed, Rotek took a moment to compose himself, and signaled for one of the officers to show Black back in.
"Everything okay?" Teá asked taking a seat and looking at the commander.
Noding, he said "Mostly yes Lieutenant. I can confirm that the migranes are a side effect of your mixed ancestry. I am unsure how much you know about that."
"Not a lot truthfully I don't even know who they're." Teá said.
"With your permission, I'd like to run some tests, and try to dig a bit deeper into what is causing these headaches. Does that sound ok?" he asked, careful to not give away any information about what was contained in her file.
"Sure why not it can't hurt or make these migraines any worse." Teá said standing, "up lead the way."
Nodding, he gestured for her to follow him out into the main bay, where he would start some tests.
Lieutenant Commander Rotek
Chief Medical Officer
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213 E
Lieutenant Junior Grade Teá Black
Intelligence Officer
USS Vindicator, NCC-78213 E