JDL | Com Ivanova, Cmdr Archer, LtCMDR Rotek, LtJG Charlson - "Small Craft Advisory"
Posted on Sun Apr 5th, 2015 @ 7:31pm by Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Commander James Archer & Lieutenant Commander Rotek
1,532 words; about a 8 minute read
Mission: A Spot To Kill
The sound of worried speech and loud barks of orders were lost in a never ending spiral of darkness and wave like distortion of the voices. Everything seemed to hum, her mouth tasted metallic, and Rochelle simply couldn't claw her way to the tops of the fathoms the melorazine had slipped her beneath. For her own good, Charlson had said it was -- not unlike Archer had stated that the drug induced sleep would be good for Landon. Aware, but not, the young Commodore would likely not remember anything she heard of felt during the transport from Atlantis Prime back to the Vindicator's comforting safety.
A gentle jostling, more yelling... Did it ever stop? She wondered as she continuously drifted just shy of the surface only to sink back deeper again into the abysmal black the drug had created as a swaddling cloth. Sedated, her heart couldn't race wildly, she couldn't panic, and the shock that had been over taking her broken, frostburned body couldn't win. At the end of it all, the unconscious woman would wake up and live to fight another fight.
"What's happened to her?!" Nurse Hall yelled above the oblivious Commodore, meeting the team with a biobed. The transfer from board to bed was easy enough and the hovering medical equipment meant a safer, smoother ride. They could work on getting her stable as they raced along from the shuttlebay to sickbay.
"Deep knife wound to the throat, no believed contact with the Jugular, but still a heavy bleed. Administered 20CC's of Melorazine; she went into shock, so we couldn't risk transporting directly to sickbay. Pressure applied on the wound aproximately 1 minute after the wound, if that. It's been approximately 10 minutes since the wound, went into shock about 5 minutes after that, if you need the knife I have it with me." Lily said, running alongside the bed.
The nurse looked to her co-worker that was feverishly working to hold gauze to the Commodore's torn throat, doing her damnedest to stem the bleeding that was quickly soaking pad after pad with frightened deep scarlet. "Christ alive." She hissed, not bothering to look away from her work, though disbelief flashed across her eyes.
"Charlson, you've done a damn good job keeping her alive so far." The first reached to pat the Lieutenant's arm, rushing along and trying to keep an eye on the Commodore's blood pressure, "70 over 52, she's going to crash..." She hissed working to quickly mix a morathial series into a hypo just in case it was needed, "She has to be bleeding internally! LET'S MOVE IT PEOPLE!" The nurse bellowed and looked to Charlson as they raced along into the turbo lift. "Sickbay! Emergency!" She ordered the lift and it took off with a quick beep, "You said she was kicked in the abdomen? Upper abdomen?"
Lily nodded. "The Atlantean's feet are quite big, but the main impact was to the upper abdomen, although there may also be damage to the chest area." Lily said, following the team, getting ready to help out if she was needed.
The lift came to a halt as soon as Charlson replied and Hall shook her head with a hiss, "Thank you, Lieutenant!" She admonished as they raced out to the main sickbay. "Severe laceration to the subdermal tracheal region, heavy blood loss, possible broken ribs, frost bite, concussion... Lieutenant Charlson saw the injury to the Commodore's throat and thorax happen, issued a hypo of melorazine when the Commodore presented symptoms of going into shock." Hall reported to the Klingon doctor that was waiting within. "We need to work fast or we're going to lose her, Blood pressure is falling!" She yelled, grabbing surgical scissors and thrusting them into Jones' hands, "Get these wet clothes off the Commodore, I'll find heating pads to start getting her core temp up while Rotek works! Commander Archer, are you just going to stand there and stare?! Do something useful or leave!"
Jane took the scissors and half tore, half cut the Commodores clothes off, before covering her with a blanket, to try and get the Commodores body temperature up until they found the heating pads. "All ready in here!" She shouted to Rotek and the other nurses.
Rotek rushed in, and immediately got to work reviewing the scans of the Commodore. After a moment he said "I need a autosuture, and a subdermal scalpel immediately! Also commence blood transfusions. Suction any surface blood off the injured areas quickly so I can see the extent of the injuries. Lets move people!" Feeling the autosuture thrust into his hand, he began working on carefully closing the severe wounds on her throat and chest. It hurt him deeply to see the Commodore this way, but his personal feelings could wait, he had a job to do, or she would die. It was a simple but harsh reality.
James quietly slipped to the other side of the room and continued to watch. His father had warned him about the Atlanteans and how, by nature, are underhanded, cold, and untrustworthy. 'Son, if you cross the deceitfulness of the Romulans and violence of the Klingons, you get the Atlanteans.' he chuckled lightly, truer words had never been spoken. Then the reality hit him like a runaway hover train in San Francisco. Someone he considered a friend was severely injured and, from all he knew, was dying.
This wasn't the first mission he'd failed. However, this was possibly the worse one to fail. He couldn't blame the junior officers that worked for him, the burden of this was solely on his shoulders. He was responsible for the gathering of intel and keeping Rochelle safe. James leaned heavily against the wall, slid to the floor, and closed his eyes.
With Archer out of the way for the most part, the medical team flew around the injured Commodore. "First transfusion in!" Hall announced, checking the speed of the drip and eyeballing the secondary catheter of fluids at the same time. A dermal regenerator was in her hands next as she worked around Rotek and did what she could to heal the frost bitten tips of the woman's ears, nose, and fingers. Her cheeks and lips would be last on the docket as they were simply, for lack of better words, freezer burned. "Archer, you alive over there?" She asked, watching the man slide down the wall, pale, and hardly the colorful character the ship was used to seeing. "More heat packs, stat!" She ordered, running a thermometer over the downed Commodore's forehead, "Her core temp needs to be brought up! Blood pressure is holding stable, c'mon folks, we're not out of the woods!"
"Yeah, I'm OK," James replied. "How is she, Doc?"
Finishing up closing the major wounds with the autosuture, Rotek began working with the sub-dermal scapel to fuse her broken ribs, which left untreated, could cause internal bleeding. He forced himself to remain quiet amid the chaos around him and focus on his work. Calling over his shoulder to Archer as he continued working he said "I'm not sure yet Commander. I've fixed the major wounds, but I won't know her status until she completely stabilizes. It would help to know what happened to her to cause these injuries."
James ran his fingers through his hair, "Well, she was caught in a nasty snowstorm, trapped in a cave, fell off a horse, cut by a really creepy bitch, and kicked by the same creepy bitch. Charlson has the blade that cut her, if you need it."
Nodding as he continued to work, Rotek replied "It would be helpful Commander, if even to confirm any further damage due to her wounds." Smiling slightly as the majority of the dangerous injuries were repaired, he stepped back and wiped his brow with a free hand. Sighing, he added "The serious injuries have been repaired, but we still need to monitor her transfusions and then work on brining her vitals back to normal. Once I'm satisfied that she is out of the proverbial woods, we can work on dealing with her superficial injuries."
James picked himself up off the deck and headed to the passageway. He tapped his commbadge. "Archer to Charlson. Can you please bring Kym's dagger to the surgery ward?"
"On my way." Lily replied, taking the dagger and bringing it to sickbay, and handing it to Rotek.
Taking the weapon carefully, he examined it, and compared it to the readings of the wounds. Satisfied, he said "It seems like this weapon didn't cause any further damage then what we've seen." Then to Hall he said "Please continue working on getting her temperature up, and let me know when her vitals stabilize." Looking over to Archer, he said "Excuse me Commander, may I speak to you in private for a moment?"
"Yes, of course," James replied.
Nodding, Rotek lead Archer into his office.
=/\=End Log=/\=
Commodore Rochelle Ivanova
Commanding Officer
Commander James Archer
Chief Intelligence Officer
Lieutenant Commander Rotek
Chief Medical Officer
USS Vindicator 78213-E
Lieutenant Junior Grade Lily Charlson
Security Officer
USS Vindicator NCC 78213-E
Ensign Jane Jones
Head Nurse
USS Vindicator NCC 78213-E