DL/PL|Cpt. Dhej|"Concerns"
Posted on Mon Jul 27th, 2015 @ 7:18am by
288 words; about a 1 minute read
Agua Mala
Location: Aquarius
=/\=USS Aquarius=/\=
Karim shrugged off his uniform jacket and threw it over a nearby chair. He'd been taking some time to read ship update reports during the break between the formal reception and the beginning of more in depth talks. He was tired, but knew it came with the territory. The Empress had been very polite in extending an invitation for all the crews to enjoy the beach front accommodations, but for some reason, he didn't feel comfortable doing that. He'd opted to return to the Aquarius and catch up on work during the downtime. He wasn't sure what the feeling was, but he just didn't feel right after the meeting with the Empress. Maybe it was that over the lifetimes of Dhej, he'd become somewhat immune to the charms of people.
Stretching, he knew he had to do one more bit of ships business before getting some rest. Tapping his combadge, he said "Dhej to all hands. Please be advised that everyone is herby granted a short shore leave while we are in orbit. Please feel free to work with your department head to schedule a rotation for leave. You are free to socialize with the local people, but I'd like you all to keep in mind we are working on establishing diplomatic relations. I know I don't have to ask you all to behave accordingly. Dhej out."
Crossing to the small bunk in the room, he quickly undressed, and slipped under the covers. It felt like he hadn't slept in a long time, and he knew he would need his rest before the formal talks began. After turning the lights off, he quickly fell asleep.
=/\=End Log=/\=
Captain Karim Dhej
Commanding Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC 1701-F