JL | Com Ivanova, LtCmdr Rotek - "Enter Sandman"
Posted on Tue Jul 28th, 2015 @ 6:27am by Admiral Rochelle Ivanova & Lieutenant Commander Rotek
1,877 words; about a 9 minute read
Mission: Agua Mala
For the first time in what felt like forever, and likely was, Rochelle felt the ability to relax. Beaches and salty breezes had seemingly coerced every knot in her body to release, leaving her like putty each and every time she deposited herself into a chaise or lay in bed. Where once sleep eluded her, it now seemed poised to jump out from the same hateful shadows she once feared, and did so without a single hint of hesitation to bag her for a snooze. In recent times it would seem that the little red Phoenix had won a new title; Queen of the Catnaps, and it was one that didn’t quite want to just stay planet side; it had followed her back up to the Vindicator, catching her in her own Ready Room and leaving her sprawled across the expanse of the high end couch that had been brought in as additional seating for less severe talks. What had been a ‘I’ll just sit down for a second’ had turned into a forty-five minute power snooze that had left several people confused and concerned when she’d nearly been late to head back down to Apsha for yet another round of diplomatic chit chat.
While lovely… It had started to become a point of inner contention and worry for the Commodore who prided herself on her strength and work ethic. Rotek, of course, became the next logical choice for conversation. Before heading out for dinner with Landon in Aleine’s art district, Rochelle had taken the time to send the doctor an inquiry about B12 hypos and whether or not the seemingly never ending cloud of tired calm could possibly be lingering symptom of the head trauma she’d sustained during the battle with the Romulans just months before, or should she simply just ignore it and not look the gift horse of sleep in the mouth. It had ended that she’d meet with him the next morning.
With not a single meeting on her agenda for that day, she’d been free to wake late – especially since Landon had demanded, and enforced, a no work during time off policy. It had given her a chance to finally really enjoy the morning atmosphere of the tropical world. Thought mid-morning by the time she’d stepped out of their resort villa, the air was still cool and harbored a hint of sweetness and salt as it hung all about her, not quite yet ready to wake up. By mid-afternoon it would be alive with the sea-breeze, dancing vibrantly through the leaves and petals of the plants and carrying the sounds of a bustling city with it, chasing away any thoughts of the quaint, shy morning beauty she’d been lucky to bear witness to.
“Sorry I’m late.” She offered the Klingon as she finally made it to his resort room, “Alarm didn’t go off.” More like ‘Landon turned the alarm off’, she thought.
Smiling, Rotek rose from the couch he was lounging on and said "It's fine Commodore, I was just relaxing, listening to the sounds of the wind." He felt a sense of peace, wearing a linen shirt and pants, with bare feet. It helped him feel a sense that the rest of the universe didn't exist for a while.
Rochelle was quick to reciprocate the smile, truly pleased to see her friend and fellow officer so relaxed and seemingly care free. It was a fantastic change from the fretful man she'd run into on Qo'NoS nearly a year ago, and one she was ever grateful for. Rotek deserved one thing above all; happiness. Closely followed by peace, of course. "It's very serene here." She nodded in understanding, "Easy to get lost in your own thoughts and just forget that a problem, of any sort, ever existed." Her hands smoothed along the folds of her floor length peasant skirt, savoring the feel of the casual tan and coral floral patterned fabric as it rolled beneath her palms and fingers. It was a welcomed reprieve from the fine tailored suit-like nature of her uniform slacks.
Nodding, he said "Can I get you a drink Commodore? Please make yourself comfortable."
"Whatever you're having, thank you." Rochelle nodded as she moved to take a seat near where he'd been perched, "So... The B12 hypos, they should help me be a bit more alert, yeah? I need to be on top of these talks and so far I'm just being lulled to sleep by the sun and sea." She chuckled lightly as she crossed her legs.
Nodding, as he returned with two Risa Sunrises, he handed one to her and took a seat. After taking a sip he said "Yes Commodore, I mean, Rochelle. I believe those shots would be a good idea if needed. I am concerned though about you using them too much though."
Taking the colorful drink, Rochelle folded her legs and tilted her head in consideration of what he'd said. "I'm sure I won't need them once we're out of here and life is back to normal instead of running on 'Island Time'." She chuckled, swirling the alcoholic beverage in its glass.
Smiling, he took a sip of his drink and replied "I understand." Pausing, he added "There was something I wanted to talk to you about if you have a few moments. I know you're very busy with everything that is going on."
"Oh?" Rochelle asked, pausing just shy of taking an obligatory sip of her own, "This morning's a quiet morning, I'm all ears."
Sighing slightly, Rotek replied "You know how you apparently have been sort of a regular customer in Sickbay? I've been updating your medical file, and found a couple of interesting things."
"Like?" She asked, setting her glass down on the side table nearest her. "Anything I should be concerned about?"
Not knowing how to tell her the news in a subtle way, he said "Sort of. My scans have shown that you are pregnant, about 8 weeks along. I meant to tell you before, but I wanted to confirm my readings before I did so."
For a long moment there was silence. Dumbfounded silence that was only punctuated by the sound of a raw, bemused huff of a laugh and the rustling of fabric as Rochelle recrossed her legs and leaned her elbows across her knees. "Very funny." She replied as her hair slid off her shoulders to frame her lowered face as she nodded towards the Klingon, "you had me going there for a second."
Sighing, he leaned forward and said "I'm not joking Rochelle. If you'd like to review my scans, I can have the ship send them down. I'm sorry if this news comes as a shock, but it is the truth."
In response there was a new sigh blown sharply from the small woman sat across from the big half-Klingon. In her eyes there was confusion, maybe a small degree of irritation, but there was also things of a whole new light that seemed content to bud in her icy blue fathoms. Realization. Looking at the man, it was evident he wasn't toying with her. Her teeth and tongue found her lips while her mind worked to construct words and answer the questions that were formulating in her mind. "Is everything..." She paused, pushing herself back to sit upright, "Is everything ok? Healthy?" The first question was perhaps the most important, at least to her.
Nodding, he replied "Yes, the fetus is healthy, and so are you. I didn't detect anything you should be concerned about. After these talks end, we should begin talking about pre-natal care and scheduling regular checkups." Pausing, he added "I'm sorry if the news upset you, I just needed to tell you when I had a private moment alone."
Rochelle nodded, "Not upset..." She replied quickly, her nose wrinkling with concentration, "Just taken off guard. I'd just chalked everything up to stress and working myself too hard... Warm sun... Strange foods... You know." The redhead's tongue worried itself along her lower lip as she crossed her legs, "This isn't something that was planned and, while we're playing the honesty game, I hadn't ever figured I'd be slated for motherhood." The wryest of grins tugged itself along her fine facial features, "I was the integral Starfleet Officer and I hadn't worked out that part of the plan, but..." She paused and shrugged ever so slightly, "That's life. It has a funny way of punctuating and placing things where it feels they need to be, and who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth?"
Smiling slightly, Rotek replied "Life has a way of throwing one's plans off course sometimes. Please remember though that I am here to help if you need me ok? Not just as your doctor, but as hopefully a friend."
"Of course, Rotek." She agreed, reaching to pat the back of the Klingon's hand, "It takes a village to raise a child, doesn't it?"
Nodding, he replied "I've definitely heard that." Pausing, he added "So how are things going with the talks? I haven't been socializing very much lately, I guess I've been trying to enjoy some solitude."
And just like that, it was back to work and Rochelle was left tabling her most private thoughts, "They're going. I'm skeptical and wary because it feels like there's something we're missing, but so far none of us have found it... Maybe we're just being too paranoid."
"Who knows" he replied "Perhaps a bit of paranoia is a good thing. I remember a Klingon phrase about paranoia being a good weapon to have when facing a new adversary."
"This is very true." Rochelle chuckled lightly and wagged her finger at the Klingon's retort, "But sometimes it's hard to find a good mix. The Princess seems guarded, like she has something to say but simply doesn't care to open her mouth about it. No one on the Enterprise has had much to say about her other than the fact she apparently has a pretty hefty distaste for Romulans. That could be considered a small bonus seeing as we can't afford the Stenellis to join the RSE."
Shaking his head, Rotek replied "I won't try to understand interstellar politics. I've never had much interest in them to be honest. I do ask you to try and take it easy when you can. Please let me know if you have any issues with the symptoms of your pregnancy ok?"
The softest of snorts was elicited from the spirited young Commodore in response to the Klingon's lack of love for the sport of adventure, however tiring the politics truly were. "I promise. Feel free to set appointments and forward them to my calendar."
"I will, Rochelle" he replied "Maybe when things slow down we can have a good talk about stuff again? I've appreciated the times I've been able to confide in you."
"Absolutely. We'll do lunch again as soon as this all winds down."
Smiling, he replied "As long as it isn't traditional Klingon cuisine, I'm in."
=/\=End Log=/\=
Commodore Rochelle Ivanova
Commanding Officer
Lieutenant Commander Rotek
Chief Medical Officer
USS Vindicator, NCC 78213-E