Joint Duty Log | LtCmdr Tristan Neyes PhD, Lt Chloe Ebonheart - "That's What She Said"
Posted on Fri Sep 19th, 2014 @ 10:12pm by Commander Tristan Neyes PhD. & Lieutenant Chloe Ebonheart
908 words; about a 5 minute read
Are You Touched?
Location: Counselor's Offices, Deck 3
~*~ Start Joint Log ~*~
Not having met everyone on the ship yet and having managed to get another officer to tail Mikkal for a little bit the caitian with cat like grace made her way down the hall from the lift towards the counseling offices to meet the ships counselor since she has yet to meet Lt Commander Tristan Neyes. She was nervous about meeting new people but pushed it down considering she was Security and previously chief security of the Atlantia. She hadn't been nervous on that ship but then they knew her and she knew them and all their quirks.
Moving to the doors she pushed a lock of white, blond hair behind her cat eat most of it tied up into a ponytail the rest of it streaming down her back in a shimmering river of white gold. Her violet eyes fixed on the door before she pressed the chime to let him know she was there.
"Enter." Tristan called out. The planter at the edge of his office had somehow managed to shift a few centimeters off-center. It had been bothering him all morning, and the meeting planned for later had him preoccupied. He needed it to go well, and now the planter seemed to be some kind of outlet for his tension. Whoever came in to his office, he was too focused in the plant to turn away. "How can I help you?"
"I just wished to meet more of the crew, I figured it would be nice to start with counseling." Came the natural purred response of the feline officer. Chloe watched him arching one white blond brow as she watched him focused on the plant. OK, so that wasn't completely honest. She had some confusing feelings about Mikkal that added to the choice of whom she met first on the ship.
Neyes turned toward the woman, and he quickly tried to remember her from Landon's time on board but couldn't quite pin her name. She seemed familiar, but it could have just as easily been someone else. "Have we met before?" He asked.
"No, I am new to this ship, I only just arrived recently." She smiled softly, those violet eyes of hers twinkling mischievously despite her catlike grace. "I am Chloe Ebonheart, the new Security Officer.
"That's what being new to the ship usually means," he nodded in recognition. It wasn't often that a crew member came to a counselor's office of their own volition, and rarely for anything less than a personal disaster. He beamed and set down the planter in a semi-acceptable place, his attention now drawn to Chloe.
Neyes took a seat behind his desk and pulled up her file, inviting her to sit down herself. "When was the last time you had a psychological assessment? I don't see it here in your personnel file, Ms. Ebonheart."
"My last one was just out of the Academy before I joined the USS Atlantia. Then there was just too much going on to get one." She smiled remembering the attempt to get the Secs and Marines on the Atlantia to work together rather than constantly fighting that was probably one of the first holodeck glitches that had started her road towards being an adrenaline junkie.
The program had been a basic investigation but things had gone south when Chloe had gotten stabbed by a real weapon in the attempt to keep a Marine from getting attacked when the holodeck glitched and the safeties malfunctioned. She still had the scar on her back narrowly missing anything vital to her survival.
"And how does the Atlantia compare to the Vindicator?" He asked, watching her closely. The Caitian personnel of the Vindicator were of particular interest to him. He'd heard tales of their imperceptible graces, and their incredibly short attention spans. He was admittedly wary of delving too deep into a session with her right away because Caitian culture had escaped his repertoire of specialties. Trill and Human psychological studies had their differences, as did many of the other humanoid races, but Caitian was just a touch on the eccentric side.
"I imagine it's much larger." He smiled.
Chloe actually smiled. "Yeah I still tend to get lost every now and then." the Caitian officer admitted. "There are more holodecks on this ship though, but I haven't found the time yet." She told him softly.
Neyes smiled, his pressed uniform neatly tucked and clean, seemingly adding to his already polished appearance. "Well then do you mind if I join you for a couple of your rounds? I think I remember a few shortcuts from Landon's time on board. A few nook and crannies to shorten a few of the longer trips. I'd be happy to show you a couple? It might be a little more informative than some boring tutorial on the holodeck."
Chloe gave him that cat like grin almost like the Cheshire cat from the old earth classic Alice in Wonderland. "I'd like that very much." her words rolled with that natural purr her cat-like grace easy to notice and she was definitely ready to find those short cuts. Though she wasn't about to tell him she didn't use the holodeck for tutorials.
"Good! Then let's go before I find something else to distract me." Neyes said, leading the way out the door.
=/\= END LOG =/\=
Lt. Commander Tristan Neyes
Chief Counseling Officer
USS Vindicator
Lt Chloe Ebonheart
Security Officer
USS Vindicator