SD 241211.05 PLOT LOG | Gov. Sov'aal & Dr. Lovok
Posted on Tue Nov 6th, 2012 @ 10:04am by
673 words; about a 3 minute read
Romulan Ale.. I mean Aide
Location: Romulan Colony
Doctor Lhaerrh Lovok looked down at the body of the young man who had just expired in his hospital.
Hospital.. you could hardly call it that. He had spent decades working in some of the best hospitals on Romulus. This was a shack on a pretty planet in the middle of nowhere. He lacked people and supplies to do his job properly.
After several minutes he stepped away and allowed the body to be taken away for burial preparations. Rather than stay around to dwell on the loss of another life he left the building and walked the short distance on the compressed dirt road to the administration building.
The Middle aged Governor paced behind his desk as two of his advisors updated him on the latest news involving yet another delay in supplies. The simple fact that they were so far off standard shipping lanes meant that few would risk shipping supplies to their small colony. "Put in another request to the senate. Tell them them that we need that medical shipment now."
Lhaerrh rapped on the door to Sov'aal's office.
"Come in." Sov'aal called out, nodding to his advisors to go about their business.
"Governor.. I regret to inform you we have lost Giellun." the doctor said upon entering.
"That is very troubling news doctor. How many does that make now?" the Governor asked as he turned around. the mid day sun highlighting the few grey hairs along his temples.
Lovok stepped up to the desk, "That makes thirteen now. Governor, I do not have the facilities to properly diagnose and treat this illness and it is cutting us down one at a time very slowly but very effectively."
"The lack of supplies is likely not helping either." Sov'aal said shaking his head. "Have we at least been able to determine if quarantining the patients has had any effect in reducing the reported cases?" He hated being Governor in times like this. All eyes were now on him to save the young colony, the problem was they just were not equipped for an emergency of this scale
"We began to isolate people four days ago but that doesn't seem to be helping." admitted Lovok, "That could mean anything. It could mean if this is a virus it has a long incubation period or it could be something environmental." he threw up his hand a little, "If it is viral we don't have the computer anymore to break down the genome and develop a vaccine, that is assuming we had a replicator that could do it. If it is environmental, again we don't have the computer to analyze soil samples or the air."
The doctor sat down and let out a long sigh, "If the computer from the ship hadn't died three months after we arrived we might have a shot at figuring this out."
The governor took a deep breath. Inward. Had it not been for the storm when they had landed, the damage to the ship and supplies may not have occurred. Then again it was not in his nature to obsess about things that were beyond his control. "So what you are saying is that this is no longer a situation we can handle ourselves? "
"In my opinion it became that days ago." Lovok admitted, "We need to call for help."
"You do realize that a general distress call could bring anyone. But the situation being as serious as it is, it would seem we have little choice."
The doctor nodded in agreement. They had no choice, "If we were actually able to request specific supplies from the empire..." he stopped himself. It wasn't an option. They were not sent by their government for the purposes of expanding territory. They were civilians out here on their own.
He looked down at his aged but still nimble hands, "Send the signal, Governor, and hope for benevolent souls."
Sov'aal nodded. "You shall have your aid then doctor." He said then turned to sit at his desk and activated his comm terminal.