Uss Vindicator

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JPL (Backlog) | Lt Novak & Sgt Rayya & Bernard III & Wooderson & Moffat |"The Early Bird Customers"

Posted on Wed Sep 3rd, 2014 @ 1:56am by Petty Officer 2nd Class Rael Rayya

772 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Are You Touched?
Location: After Dark Lounge

= V =

Sally was reassured by the smile.

"Okey dokey then" she replied in a business-like manner "Customers and tables right." Again she glanced from one to the other then back to Norbert.

"I'm actually going to start with the tables although I know you said customers first but their comfort and happiness is always a priority is it not or it should be because a happy customer is a spending customer thats what Mr Brewster always said and he was rarely wrong except about the mackerel but lets not go into that unfortunate incident because it might give you the wrong impression about him and even the police officer realized it was a mistake and no one actually 'died' so wiping the tables should come first so they can sit and relax without glueing themselves to the tabletop I'll get a cloth see you in a bit"

She smiled to him as briefly as he had to her and turned back to the bar where she waited until the bartender was free then sidled up to him.

"You're not a psycho-maniac are you?" she whispered and stood back to observe him.

The bartender chuckled, "Well I certainly hope not", he held out his hand, "I'm David and I really Like your Hair, its all curly and bouncy and stuff", he laughed some more. "You wanna have a drink with me and my new friends here" he motioned towards the pair at the bar.

"Hi David and friends" she replied smiling to them all.

"Thank you" she added looking back at the Bartender, "Mr Bernard said I'd fit in fine if I was one but I think he's joking don't you at least I hope so a Ginger Beer would be nice but will he mind?"

She tossed her head in Norbert's direction causing the profusion of curls to bounce their best.

David grinned a big dopey smile, "Probably", he said as he grabbed two bottles from the mini fridge, "But I won't tell if you don't", he popped off the caps of both Ginger Beers and placed one in front of sally.

"For all the Blonde Haired People in the universe", he said twirling a bit of his own blonde hair in his finger, before taking a rather large swig from the bottle.

"The best" she declared and not to be outdone she too tipped her head back and gulped from the bottle. "Gosh.." she said a moment later " thats strong stuff."

It was obvious she didn't mind for she smiled at him in an open and engaging manner then, dropping her gaze to the bottle in her hand, her delicate brows raised and lowered as she looked at it with respect.

David grinned. "Now thats good" he said, noticing another person entering the lounge. "Well now you just excuse me Miss", he said moving over a few feet and plopping down a coaster for his new customer.

Sally took another swig from her bottle, looked around the bar and found a place to hide her diamante bag. She rooted around beneath the bar emerging a few seconds later with a cloth and bottle of cleaning spray in her hands then heading for the nearest table, began to polish it with gusto.

Henry had taken some of his free time to explore the ship, something he realized would probably take several weeks judging by the size of the Vindicator. One of his first stops was 'After Dark' and as he stepped inside, he was suitably impressed by the size of it. As he approached the bar, he almost stopped mid-stride when he spotted the man who Ensign Maxwell had the misfortune of sitting next to on the transport behind the bar. Making sure not to draw his attention, he moved to other side of the bar and sat down next to another patron.

"Hi, can I get a shot of Orion rum, please?" Henry requested from the bartender.

"Nectar of the Hunter", David said pulling a small blue colored bottle from the top shelf. A light misty fog rolled off the top of the shot glass as a dark green liquid fell out of the bottle and into the cup. "Wise choice my friend", he said, placing the drink in front of Henry.

"Evenin'," Rael said nodding to the man who just walked up to the bar.

To be continued.......

Lieutenant Henry Novak
Flight Control Officer
USS Vindicator

Sgt Rael Rayya
51st Marine Recon Unit,
SaA (Sergeant at Arms)
USS Vindicator

Norbert Bernard III
Lounge Manager
USS Vindicator

David Wooderson (abp Norbert)
USS Vindicator

Sally Moffat (abp Robyn)
USS Vindicator


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